If you were terminally ill, would you take people out with you?


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No. I had a health scare before where I thought I might be done for and all of my thoughts were about how much time I’ve wasted, how I’d miss my family, how much it would suck to not see a sunny day again. Things like petty grievances or past slights just fell by the wayside.

Then I found out that I was fine and mostly fell back into my old ways, including mocking the remnants of a dead radio show.
I’d probably try to rob a bank and get away with it. Go across this great land of ours blowing the money on booze, gambling and whooahs.

I’d also show up at Compound media, armed to the teeth, barricade the doors, walk on set and start reading all the fan fiction that @satanssockpuppet has penned while I’m on camera during Cumia’s show.

Ideally a during Gavvy Wednesday. Then depending upon my mood at the time I’d shoot Gavin (in Call of Duty Warzone).

I’d toss my head back and Hahahaha Hooolleee Shit all the way out the door.


#1 Poster
Would I clip them over it? No, because it would mean they "won".
He's dead... But at least he.... "won"



#1 Poster
@Child. You're a pussy "I wouldn't kill anyone because he would 'win'" shut up bitch you aint made for the real world you gon get robbed and raped when food prices are up 700% in two years your asshole is getting BBC'd