If you were terminally ill, would you take people out with you?


Shock Jock
Sometimes I wonder about this. Obviously not random innocent people, but the biggest piece of shit you ever had to deal with that motherfucked you the most in life.
Im only in my 20s and there are already people I would definitely execute if I knew I’d get away with it. Prison is my only deterrent.
I can only imagine how long that list would be down the road.

Then again, I kinda think my conscience would prevail in the end. Not big into the religion thing but I dont know if Id wanna commit murder right before I met my maker.

Call in with your answer at 617-717-WAAF

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
remember that pos that shot up a supermarket few months ago? the prison time didnt stop him

Why would you take out some shit head who slighted you? You never have to deal with him again if you choose. The government motherfucks you every day, without your consent. The fuckin ssssssscccumbags!!!!
for 20 bucks you dont have to see him again you got off cheap kid


No. You have to let the shit go. I've been fucked over real bad in life by my own friends, family, and neighbors at various points in life. But for every instance I can think of, I can think of a time when I was a piece of shit to someone else.

If you hang onto this shit you're just distracting yourself and taking away from your own life. I promise most of these people probably never think of you, or maybe they know they fucked up too.

People change, brotherman. It's unhealthy to hold onto hate maaaaaaan.

*this is assuming they are not niggers or jews


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
It would just be so satisfying, and plus it would be cool to see if I could get away with it because I’ve also always wondered if I could do that. I have a clean record so Id have an advantage if Im smart about it.
Go hunt niggers in any urban hellscape.

Majority of murders go unsolved.

Take a chance, be a hero.