They didn't teach you about the shift key at those universities did they? I've traveled all over the world too, had my school paid for by my job so no debt and very little out of pocket cost, and never had a social worker assigned to me. I have homes in 3 countries, the last one I won't mention because, why should I. I get plenty of experiences too, good ones with a purpose beyond vanity. We took the kids to see the eclipse in 2017 and will again in 2024, we've visited the big natural landmarks and national parks. These aren't either/or choices. Home ownership, even a single one builds wealth, with high inflation and so much speculating in equities, real estate, that turns a profit above carrying cost with long term equity gains can fund a lifestyle so yea I consider it a good choice.
Edit: You aren't trash, but you are a nigger, though a better, lighter, model lol. I was only telling you SSDI is not welfare. I have awhile myself to decide and I'm thinking it's time for me to file mine thanks to covid, why not get back what I put in. Problem is I'm not really disabled, but I also don't think at 50 plus my work is going to get easier. I'll need a disability first. I have all the repetitive stress shit that people get, it's inconvenient while working, but if I thought I could get my family an extra 4500 a month why wouldn't I? I paid in a ton.
Jimmy spent his entire adult life desperately trying to recapture the hot forbidden shame he felt upon being molested as a boy. His ultimate fantasy was to be plowed up the ass by a monster cock, only one that belonged to a "woman", because he isn't gay and would tell you if he was. Then he finally achieved this goal. He/she pounded Jimmy's anus into a semi-functional pulp and dumped loads in him like he was a bus station toilet, and Jimmy was in hog heaven. Riding the crest of his forbidden thrills, Jimmy got carried away and convinced himself he was "in love" with "her", thereby humiliating himself even further, which the freak probably enjoyed. Then she abruptly ended it, crushing little Jimmy's delicate little pervert spirit. He came out of it with his perverse urges finally satiated, but with no idea where to go from there. So emotionally he's reverted to a late adolescent/early adulthood level, where he really just wants to find a nice girlfriend to date
There are four principal lunar phases: the new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter (also known as third or final quarter), when the Moon's ecliptic longitude is at an angle to the Sun (as viewed from the centre of the Earth) of 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, respectively. Each of these phases appears at slightly different times at different locations on Earth. During the intervals between principal phases are intermediate phases, during which the Moon's apparent shape is either crescent or gibbous. On average, the intermediate phases last one-quarter of a synodic month, or 7.38 days or some shit.
Men complaining about work
"Today sucked. Larry got his sleeve stuck in a lathe and spun for 30 seconds before anyone noticed. We had to shut everything down because of the mess. Now we're short staffed and probably need therapy."
Women complaining about work
"OMG today was sooo bad at work. You know Shannon? The one who's mother lived in Montana and knits vests for horses? Well she was on Facebook and someone sent her a message saying that her ex, remember I told you about him? How he has issues with his brother but never talks about them because he feels it's a personal matter? Well he apparently got caught molesting a child at a 7-11. Well anyway, she got to leave early. And guess who had to shut the lights off tonight? Hmmm? Give up? Me. I had to. So I had to do her FUCKING job because SHE gets to leave an HOUR FUCKING EARLY because her ex gets into trouble? I swear to fucking God I hate this place. My chair sucks and I only get 2 one hour breaks during the day? It's ridiculous and always gives me anxiety."
This as your covered Larry's shit and blood.
The market may appear bleak right now because so many like-minded people are abandoning the cities. Prices have skyrocketed even for raw land with no well or septic (or even a proper way to get onto the parcel). But there is a lot of land out there and people willing to sell it so it's whatever bottom line you're comfortable with. I won't tell you to wait until the housing bubble pops because at this rate, who knows when it will what with so many people moving to the country.
I don't know where you're looking but be mindful that if it is in a fast-growing area it could be 18 months before you can get a well professionally dug because of the backlog. If you can afford something with water and septic already approved or dug you are ahead of the game.
Most contractors are backlogged too so if you feel up to it, building yourself a log cabin is an option. Noah Bradley has a great channel about that (
link). Learn what makes a log cabin good before you buy (quality of the chinking, etc.).
I was sober for 10 years and then went to my friend's wedding and got obliterated. I could hear myself slurring/talking slow like Andy Dick in this stream and going "good God I'm fucked up...I need to get my shit together because this is pathetic..." Andy is this way every fucking day. I got dead friends already and this dude lives on. They need to clone him and study his body via Mengele-esque experiments. We'd have the cure to aging/organ failure in a couple years.
I grew up relatively close to a res. I've had many encounters with the dirt-worshippers. It's true, the women are fuck-ugly.
One kid who played football with us was an Injun. We all called him a tee-pee creeper and a prairie nigger a lot, but he took it relatively well.
There was this real ugly fucking blanket-ass, had Cumia level acne scars. He was stalking this cute white girl that I had a thing with. He'd get drunk and send me death threats, and send her dick-pics. Neither of us really gave a fawk, because he was more pathetic than dangerous. Guy eventually snapped on some squaw one night and ended up in the nut-hut for a long, long time.
Last, I was driving in Montana a few years ago. I was low on gas, and not near any larger city. So I stopped in some small Indian town, not knowing it was savage grounds. I got my gas and went in to buy some food or whatever, and there was a line stretching from the register to the back of the casino that was attached to the store. Every single one was an Indian with a bunch of firewater.
I remember seeing the Matrix in cinema for first time and being blown away when he wakes up... Hell I even like Reloaded...
Especially for Monica Bellucci and her visible bush
The Animatrix was cool and even though Enter the Matrix was crap, the fact it had loads of footage taking place during Reloaded was a cool idea.
But jesus christ almighty, Resurrections was utter dog shit. I've read fan scripts miles better. The meta thing got so fucking stale quick. The bullshit sjw crap Larry or whatever shoved into it was so tedious. Recasting Morpheous and Smith was a huge fail...the action is pitiful. Woo Ping and his team kicked ass in the first few but whatever chump did this the fight choreography was just Keanu holding his hands up...
Oh and now Neo ISN'T the One.. Him and Trinity are super special together and only work as a pair... Wtf??? If they wanted to power Trinity up just say when he took the bullet out of her he copied his code... Not retcon the whole thing.
And Neil Faggot Harris as the bad guy... Awful.
So glad they tanked the franchise before Larry and his wig could fuck it up more.
The fact that both himself and his ghastly wife have stayed so long in a limbo kind of nowhere rut, not really doing anything... I mean you've seen their bedroom... Thats not the bedroom of a woman who is happy with life...sure they might take the odd trip or make a big deal about doing 20 mins of gardening... But the drinking, weight gain , lethargy and the anger.... The constant anger and need for the last word, the threats and lies about having a different life..
Fatrick and Nikki are really fucking depressed. I mean really. We know that Nikki white-fists it through meals with anxiety and Fatty has said she's on loads of pills because she's a nutter...
But he is depressed. She is. They are in a delightfully toxic marriage and they won't go anywhere but down. I mean in the last while all that debt, getting all that notoriety...hes always threatening instant death, he's always snapping at innocent people on twitter...Allah knows what their marriage is actually like. I mean what goes through her head when she lurks here? or realises there's a lien on the house? ... Her house... All because her fat husband is a thin skinned cry baby...
He's going nowhere and he's never going to write the bestseller that nets them millions. They'll never have the loft in Soho with the studio that Nikki can sculpt in like Fatrick promised...
He's going to do something stupid like false flag himself into criminal charges or pull a gun on a bailiff or something and that will be the only kind of event that changes the endless grey, empty status quo of their lives.
There was some great post about the reality of an actual civil war. The likes of Fatrick and screeching trannies think they will march to freedom easily and paint the whitehouse as a rainbow, free dick chops for all!
The reality would be a lot different! No engaging the nazi transphobic bigots with a brick or baseball bat... Its you being picked off by a sniper or beaten to death by roving mobs of REAL nasty people, psychos and gangs will be running riot and Fatrick can waddle around in Wish tacticool shit and wave his P90 around, roaring about revolution but he would be killed by a band of niggers and have his house and Nikki pillaged, ransacked and wrecked.
Oh he would be welcoming the mob saying 'I'm with you! I support your cause' but he would be instantly fucked up. Or he acts tough online during martial law and be shot by National Guard in an instant.
Hahaha bloke smoking the brown (smack) and tearing Fatrick up... Lol some of these guys are something else!
Met with stopping power... Sure thing Fatrick. You'd run to your home and call the cops terrified!
I don't want anyone hurt but I am fingers one day he will publicly attack some random innocent person and end up in a cell. Id love him to actually threaten somone with a gun and get arrested.
He's a fucking cowardly spineless cunt.
I love how now someone random people shit posting him are upgraded from atalker to cyber terrorist to white supremacist right Wing nazi cyber terrorist stalking cult full of mentally ill children with no twitter followers.
I didn't watch it but the meta shit seemed like a such a cheap cop out to criticism. "No you don't get it! It's supposed to be heckin bad!!!". Fucking faggots.
Maggie's Wellington:
View attachment 42202
Notice how she provides a cross section and that it's cook medium rare as opposed to well done. The crust is pale so if she cranked up the heat, this might actually look decent. Also looks to me like she didn't really brown the filet either. I'd give it a 6/10 but it's actually something I would be willing to try.