If you watch this movie, I wish death upon you


I hope that it bombs so that Kreischer has to realize that he's not nearly as beloved or even as well known as he thinks that he is.

I also hope that critics savage it so that he gets all pissy like Norton did when critics gave bad reviews to Lucky Louie.
What makes that even funnier is norton is by far the worst part of lucky louie. I know no one likes the “I could’ve done better” guy but I legitimately believe I or just about anyone else here could’ve acted better than him. It’s worse than vos


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
you can't? lmao
What makes that even funnier is norton is by far the worst part of lucky louie. I know no one likes the “I could’ve done better” guy but I legitimately believe I or just about anyone else here could’ve acted better than him. It’s worse than vos
I was at the height of being an O&A fag when that came out so I was stoked Norton was in it, despite how unbelievably horrible he is in it. Local car dealerships have better acting in their commercials and Norton turned his back on the guy that put him in an HBO show. Fuckin dummy.


Count how many 5 star reviews have only reviewed this movie.
Anyone duped into seeing this movie because of a fake 5 star review deserves to sit through it.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
there is a way we used to deal with these things

what dirt bags has bert associated with?

lets start a list

find the clips

then start reminding people

i thought that is what we did

something in the way

pat posteeeers

they are equally fat and gay

pat posteeers