If you could get a free legal pass to kill anyone from the extended O&A universe, who would it be?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.

Imagine allowing a woman who you're not only NOT fucking, but have 0 chance of fucking because she's already married, do that to you. On video no less.

He is going to hang himself at 65 surrounded only his signed celebrity pictures and it's exactly the fate he deserves.


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
Yeah I wouldn't kill anyone. In minecraft though, it'd be fun to gather 10 of Sam's favorite pro wrestlers so they can beat him to death. Smack him in the head with a chair. Throw him through a table. No stop Kofi Kingston I'm your biggest fan!


Yeah I wouldn't kill anyone. In minecraft though, it'd be fun to gather 10 of Sam's favorite pro wrestlers so they can beat him to death. Smack him in the head with a chair. Throw him through a table. No stop Kofi Kingston I'm your biggest fan!

The sick fuck would probably enjoy it.