If you could get a free legal pass to kill anyone from the extended O&A universe, who would it be?



• Gluttony kill Roland Se7en style?
• Give Anthony the Freddie Kruger treatment?
• Flay Sam alive?
• Strap Norton to a bed and deny him his HIV drugs for however long it took to finish him off?
• Shove Troy off a cliff?
• Kick Opie in the liver until he died of multiple organ failure?
• Coat Bobo in Windex and then set him on fire?

Dan, some of these are O&A references. It's on you to find out which ones are and which aren't.


With Osteoporosis.


Access to the Debates
Bill Burr maybe? He’s such a self-righteous fuck that he’d probably try to be the bigger man while being beaten to death.


“Yeah, good for you buddy. You are a violent caveman, real good!”


“Whatever pal! If this is what it takes to make ya feel good! What do I care?”


“You seen my wife? You think this is the worst I’ve dealt with this week?”


“Euuurrrghh…uh huh, I see….aaaaarrgghhh….another…uhnnnn… angry white man…grrrggggg…upset that he isn’t Jayson……………Tatum!”

*body hits the floor*


Jacques De Gautier
I would like to stuff Sam Roberts doll and shoe collection down his throat and up his ass until he died. Not really a fan