I would hate it if this came back to haunt the Pigman

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Luckily for quasi neither pat nor Niki are unemployed. They also aren’t in much debt. Paying him should be a walk in the park!!


Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
If back peddling was an Olympic sport, Patrick would be Michael Phelps or something.

He has this bravado of, he won't pay Quasi a dime and he shit talks the judge. Then his censor wakes up from a drunken stupor and Pat realizes what he is saying is completely retarded. He then asks for the interviewer not to repeat in writing what he said. Alcoholics call that a moment of clarity. Too bad Patrick was spilling his guts to a stlaker child and not someone who actually reported for the Huffington Post.
This man's ability to continually fuck himself over is awe-inspiring.