I watched the newest simpsons episode.


I am the man with no name...
Watching the decline of The Simpsons convinces me that the initial greatness of the show must have been mostly due to Sam Simon's early influence on the show. He did character models for a lot of the side characters and assembled almost all the writers in those first few seasons.

Case in point, here's the original Simpson writers' room:

View attachment 60983

Some of the funniest TV writers in the last few decades (and three broads).
wow, Conan really stands out. It is like a bad game of Where's Waldo.


The Fugitive

Does it? Fucken faggot.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Fun fact: Robert Reich is not an economist. He is just a lawyer that is pointing out income inequality after the fact like everyone else has been doing. If he had seen any of this coming, why didn't he do anything about when he was appointed by Clinton?