I was applying for a job and one of the questions on the form was my sexual identity.



So you're unemployed too? :image_9250::image_9250::image_9250:

You're really bitter and jealous that Dan has a loving wife and good job, right? You wish you had that, but you'll fuck with his life to make you feel better about yours. As you hand in that Burger King application. How are they asking me about my sexual identity, I'm sooooooo gonna tell onaforums about this later!
People with jobs apply for other jobs

You would know this if you werent projecting and had a career

You pedophile kike

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I haven't had sex in forever, and I barely have any sexual urges anymore

I can Identify as "Asexual"

Asexual is a part of the LGBTQ+ community

If i ever have to get a cushy county/city job I'm underqualifed for, I will GLADLY refer to myself as a member of the "LGBTQ+ community" so I can be considered a "diversity hire"

I'm pretty sure the person who does the hiring won't ask if I'm a "G", "B", "A" or "F".

Also, it's not like I would be lying about being an Asexual.......why not game the system
I think they call it " Grey"


I have a face like a shovel
I think they call it " Grey"
makes sense

btw- how ironic is it that our community simultaneously houses a group that has zero sexual feelings as well as a group of people who are the most sexually overactive (referring to gay men)

see I said "our community"


The VA asks me this too.

One question is how often do I feel like killing myself. The other, If I'm straight or gay. Another, Do I view my self as a man.
When you answer: no. straight. man...you unlock



Lol it's 2022 and ONAForums is just now realizing they can check different boxes on applications to get different results. Holy shit gentlemen I knew you were boomers but this is ridiculous.

If you're signing up for anything with your real information you're dumb. I lie on everything especially the census. It's their job to figure it out, not mine.


Lol it's 2022 and ONAForums is just now realizing they can check different boxes on applications to get different results. Holy shit gentlemen I knew you were boomers but this is ridiculous.

If you're signing up for anything with your real information you're dumb. I lie on everything especially the census. It's their job to figure it out, not mine.
Census is for fags. Do NOT give (((them))) any information about you.