I was applying for a job and one of the questions on the form was my sexual identity.



Straight, gay, queer, etc etc.

Why the FUCK id that a question or anyone's business? Seriously what in the flying fuck? Is that how they fill diversity quotas? Who the fuck cares?

Fucking queers!!!
The fucked up thing is people know shit is fucked up, but hope the "business world" at least steered by the profit motive, will make pragmatic decisions. But no, the deeper you dive, the more you realize the corporate world is just another social engineering platform like schools, tv etc. The profit motive isn't the 'primal moving factor', something else is, or else they would car-crash this shit on the grounds of productivity or the bottom line (unless there's studies showing trannies, fags, and misfits are more productive/corporate assets.)

Keep thinking it's about money...


I have a face like a shovel
I haven't had sex in forever, and I barely have any sexual urges anymore

I can Identify as "Asexual"

Asexual is a part of the LGBTQ+ community

If i ever have to get a cushy county/city job I'm underqualifed for, I will GLADLY refer to myself as a member of the "LGBTQ+ community" so I can be considered a "diversity hire"

I'm pretty sure the person who does the hiring won't ask if I'm a "G", "B", "A" or "F".

Also, it's not like I would be lying about being an Asexual.......why not game the system


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
So you're unemployed too? :image_9250::image_9250::image_9250:

You're really bitter and jealous that Dan has a loving wife and good job, right? You wish you had that, but you'll fuck with his life to make you feel better about yours. As you hand in that Burger King application. How are they asking me about my sexual identity, I'm sooooooo gonna tell onaforums about this later!