Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
This is all he lives for. Trying to validate himself on twitter.



Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Dearly beloved, when Rupert here was a student at Clifton High School none of us – myself, his teachers, his classmates – dreamt that he would amount to a hill of beans. But we were wrong. And you Rupert, you were right. And that’s why tonight, before the entire nation, we’d like to apologize to you personally and to beg your forgiveness for all the things we did to you. And we’d like to thank you personally, all of us, for the meaning you’ve given our lives.


Many people do not pay attention to Belarus.

But for several months Pat has known that Belarus is bad, dating back to when the screen first told him that Belarus is bad.

Now that Belarus is in the news again -- and the screen says Belarus is still bad -- Pat's earlier stance proves he is prescient!


This is all he lives for. Trying to validate himself on twitter.

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1. He has 47k "followers". As of now, the tweet has 7 likes. Nice engagement, stupid.

2. He seems to always demand that over the top repercussions happen. He wants the entire Belarus airforce destroyed because they forced a plane to land. Not shot down a plane. Forced a plane to land. He wanted everyone who voted for Trump to be utterly ruined just for voting for Trump. He wanted 60 John Does to serve a prison term and pay him 50k for calling fat on the Internet.

If Piggy ever got any kind of power, he'd be the tyrant he calls others. No doubt in my mind.


Dearly beloved, when Rupert here was a student at Clifton High School none of us – myself, his teachers, his classmates – dreamt that he would amount to a hill of beans. But we were wrong. And you Rupert, you were right. And that’s why tonight, before the entire nation, we’d like to apologize to you personally and to beg your forgiveness for all the things we did to you. And we’d like to thank you personally, all of us, for the meaning you’ve given our lives.



shut up, pighawk. from your pink blankee war room

Red Herring​

A red herring is an argument that uses confusion or distraction to shift attention away from a topic and toward a false conclusion. Red herrings usually contain an unimportant fact, idea, or event that has little relevance to the real issue.

Red herrings are a common diversionary tactic when someone wants to shift the focus of an argument to something easier or safer to address. But red herrings can also be unintentional.