I thought we got him banned from TGI Fridays?

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I called him like 2 days ago just to hear him moo over his loss of the fridays gigs and he never mentioned this. All I heard was "whyyy-ee? whye mess with a 60 year old man who you have no connection to?"

Because it's fun, Joe.

Just like how you laughed at a dead kid, just because his dumbass father wanted mediocre theater sound for free, and was too scared of a rent-a-cop to take a moment and secure said child in his Jeep. That boys loss of life wasn't funny - THIS is funny.

Nice concept of the principles of comedy while you busk in a greasy corner of a step above fast food with your stupid guitar, stupid.
I refuse to eat at restaurants with live music or karaoke.

It always sucks and is too fucking loud. Hey I'll play something from the radio but way shittier. No thanks, shitdick.
Seriously. You stop in for a quick bite and some normal conversation, then there's some obese weirdo in the corner, annoying everyone with overwrought versions of tired, played-out, shitty "classic rock" tunes. Who wants that? The answer is: no one.