I propose we let Dan back in the fold

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
It’s time. Whether you thought NPS was funny or gay, it was still a good way to catch up on any board shenanigans you may have missed after a few days off. And while Dan’s behavior was fucking retarded, we have been tolerating worse from other board members.

He has been exiled to faggot ass kiwi farms, his wife has been thoroughly fucked with and I assume some people have probably fucked with his job too. At this point I really feel like his sentence has been served, with a couple caveats.

1. No more self aggrandizing bullshit
2. Nice Podcast Stupid MUST have 1 full episode per month featuring Flavia Mullen as a cohost FOR THE WHOLE DURATION of the episode.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
It’s time. Whether you thought NPS was funny or gay, it was still a good way to catch up on any board shenanigans you may have missed after a few days off.
Except when he wanted to "branch out" and talk about Ethan Ralph. We have our own pig to discuss!

btw nobody is stopping him from coming back. The Alliance crippled him, Dougie/Torquie/NPA dismembered him, and Snake delivered the final death blow. Then he became a meme.


And while Dan’s behavior was fucking retarded, we have been tolerating worse from other board members.
My Godcast is a hit, you prick.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
Except when he wanted to "branch out" and talk about Ethan Ralph. We have our own pig to discuss!

btw nobody is stopping him from coming back. The Alliance crippled him, Dougie/Torquie/NPA dismembered him, and Snake delivered the final death blow. Then he became a meme.


My Godcast is a hit, you prick.
Prison Colonists are above criticism.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Welcome to the clog world order cast. This is how we do it and this is how we rock it. Break it down now. Yeah... yeah... sorry, just riffin' here... can't get the fawkin' music to play at the correct levels... clog world order cast... breakin' it down... oh yeah.
I don't like how that thieving limey took my 'poor production values' bit and passed it off as his own.