I miss WormKiller.



If you search you can find the town he lives in, his current job, the name of previous girlfriends, his supposed actual first name, his possible actual last name, where he lived for two decades, Etc. And I still couldn’t find him.
I don’t want to help doxx anyone here because I’m against that on principle but it’s hard to believe that it couldn’t be done with that much info, unless we was lying. Which is possible.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
I don’t want to help doxx anyone here because I’m against that on principle but it’s hard to believe that it couldn’t be done with that much info, unless we was lying. Which is possible.
Well the easiest way to find him, if his first name really was what he claimed, should theoretically be some record of his arrest for selling meth. I searched for anyone by that name being arrested for selling meth in the state where it happened and got zilch. Then I tried searching in his current town for someone with that name and got fuck all as well. Granted I am not a SpaceEdge tier hax0r though, just Joe Sixpack.


Anyway I don’t really support doxing any brothermen, but in think there’s a high chance he is re-incarcerated, in which case I think it’s okay if we do it to send him prison gifts, maybe have Bam visit for a conjugal
If any part of his story is true and he is in the slammer I have confidence that he’d find a way to get word here. He’s that much of a needy, tryhard faggot.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Anyway I don’t really support doxing any brothermen, but in think there’s a high chance he is re-incarcerated, in which case I think it’s okay if we do it to send him prison gifts, maybe have Bam visit for a conjugal
@captain_kamala would you have sex with a Puerto Rican in a conjugal visit trailer? He'll eat da coochie


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt


“Here's another stupid embarrassing thing about myself. I once got into a fist fight over Billie Holiday and won. Some nigger was saying that she wasn't influential, I said Eleanora Fagan should be a nigger God. He swung, I swung. Fucker knocked out a tooth, and he's one of the contributing factors to why I have a bridge across the front of my mouth. But the point was this guy was bigger and tougher than me he was an actual MMA fighter. He handed me my ass in less than 60 seconds but the point remains that if you talk about her like that I will swing. I don't even know which direction I'm going with this I just know that Billie is an amazing singer” - WormKiller


Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
“Here's another stupid embarrassing thing about myself. I once got into a fist fight over Billie Holiday and won. Some nigger was saying that she wasn't influential, I said Eleanora Fagan should be a nigger God. He swung, I swung. Fucker knocked out a tooth, and he's one of the contributing factors to why I have a bridge across the front of my mouth. But the point was this guy was bigger and tougher than me he was an actual MMA fighter. He handed me my ass in less than 60 seconds but the point remains that if you talk about her like that I will swing. I don't even know which direction I'm going with this I just know that Billie is an amazing singer” - WormKiller

@CumiaPoodle you two need to meet up and blow each other