I like listening to this guy tell spooky stories


I hate when you find a youtuber that has decent content and production values but they become annoying from the little things they do. I always end up hatewatching whatever I starting watching out of sincere interest.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Fawk, she really is perfect!



The Backbone of America
Nice bangs, and i bet she bangs nice too, if you catch my drift...:sneaky:

I've been subbed to this guy forever too. Partly because he's funny, but mainly because his accent is hilarious. His reviews a lot of the time are basically "I didn't get it" or "I didn't think it was that great." One of his first videos I saw, he opens a can of beer and then does some Tom Cruise Cocktail flip with it and spilled beer all over himself and his apartment. I've been all in ever since.

Is your accent hilarious too?



I've been subbed to this guy forever too. Partly because he's funny, but mainly because his accent is hilarious. His reviews a lot of the time are basically "I didn't get it" or "I didn't think it was that great."

Is your accent hilarious too?

When i speak English my accent is fucking horrible too. Dutch cinema sucks, but there are a few gems..


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt

I've been subbed to this guy forever too. Partly because he's funny, but mainly because his accent is hilarious. His reviews a lot of the time are basically "I didn't get it" or "I didn't think it was that great."

Is your accent hilarious too?

Amsterdamned is a great movie, Dick Maas has made some great corny horror movies over the years.

I speak with the same kinda accent.



I've been subbed to this guy forever too. Partly because he's funny, but mainly because his accent is hilarious. His reviews a lot of the time are basically "I didn't get it" or "I didn't think it was that great." One of his first videos I saw, he opens a can of beer and then does some Tom Cruise Cocktail flip with it and spilled beer all over himself and his apartment. I've been all in ever since.

Is your accent hilarious too?

I sound like these guys, they do a pretty great Dutch accent. This thread is really derailed now. Sorry.
