I like listening to this guy tell spooky stories


The Backbone of America

He's a good speaker (never stammers, no umms and uhhs) and he covers interesting shit. I've never really  watched one until now and honestly, the nonstop hand gestures are fucking infuratingly insane. Like enough so that I was compelled to make this post whining about it to you fags. It also bothers the shit out of me when he tries to be funny. Just tell the fucking story, guy.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
All youtubers will be systematically executed when The Clog World Order takes over.


Oogie Farts 1488

🏠420 Friendly + Nigger Farts Welcome💨
Dude talks in circles and has way too much filler. "And then, this incident that happened to him next, would change his life forever. And it was life changing when it happened. It was something that happened to him, and it chanfed his life..."



He's a good speaker (never stammers, no umms and uhhs) and he covers interesting shit. I've never really  watched one until now and honestly, the nonstop hand gestures are fucking infuratingly insane. Like enough so that I was compelled to make this post whining about it to you fags. It also bothers the shit out of me when he tries to be funny. Just tell the fucking story, guy.
If @That Nigga Dre ribbed it I’m intrigued.

Edit: 20 seconds in and I’m out.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Only thing I don't like about him is what dislike about most YouTubers - the "random quirky humor" where he cracks himself up.

When he actually gets into the stories, I enjoy them. But the Like button gimmick and his other forced humor attempts I could do without.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor

He's a good speaker (never stammers, no umms and uhhs) and he covers interesting shit. I've never really  watched one until now and honestly, the nonstop hand gestures are fucking infuratingly insane. Like enough so that I was compelled to make this post whining about it to you fags. It also bothers the shit out of me when he tries to be funny. Just tell the fucking story, guy.

I'm touched you thought of us the moment something irritated you.