I like Joe Pesci, but what is he doing?!


Stand Alone Fruit
What is so compelling about this tay-sachs abomination that he not only gets a movie made about his life, but a fucking series as well? They're really reaching on this one.
Yeah I don’t get it why he’s the “it” guy when his stand up isn’t groundbreaking and on SNL he just does like 1-2 minutes as himself (when he shows up)


I’m sure the money and work schedule are really good so fuck it, why not? That’s the beauty of having money, you can take the jobs you want.

If you could make a cool million or two just by shooting a few scenes with a guy who is probably rock hard at the idea of working with you, why wouldn’t you? I bet Pesci doesn’t even watch tv anymore anyway so he probably hasn’t even noticed the butthole eyes yet.


I have a face like a shovel
He’s a faggot Hollywood actor and I hate people who treat him or any of those other faggots like they’re actual gangsters because they put makeup on and played make-believe for a movie.
there is a wonderful saying about "hollywood actors": "Any actor in Hollywood is "gay" until proven "straight"

I paraphrased it but that's the drift

now, that's not to confuse "hollywood Actors" with Actors in general. There's a fuck load of actors who are straight. Also, were not counting actor's from the UK- People like Peter O'Toole, David Niven, etc were real men's men


there is a wonderful saying about "hollywood actors": "Any actor in Hollywood is "gay" until proven "straight"

I paraphrased it but that's the drift

now, that's not to confuse "hollywood Actors" with Actors in general. There's a fuck load of actors who are straight. Also, were not counting actor's from the UK- People like Peter O'Toole, David Niven, etc were real men's men
My sister's friends with this talent agent who has some big names on his roster. At her wedding I was having shots with him and, as a fag movie buff, was asking him for behind the scenes stories/gossip. He had some good ones and I asked later the inevitable "who's gay" question. He rolled his eyes (he's gay) and said "it would be easier and a lot quicker to tell you which actors aren't gay or bi."

Russell Crowe, Michael Fassbender and Ben Affleck were the 3 I can remember.