I like how he needs to remind us Don is short for Donald

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Looks like joe has a chaffing problem. He has that extra strength powder for his old man balls.




Stand Alone Fruit
Boomers should be banned from social media, something about not growing up with the internet makes you too stupid to use it.
I like how about a year ok boomers on FB were falling for those “Hey! What was your first car? Do you remember? Or what street did you grow up on?” Posts that boomers would respond to not realizing those were made to get answers for password questions for various financial accounts. Had a couple boomer relatives fall for that one.

My boomer cousin falls for a lot of them too, like friend requests from obviously fake women that have a model for their picture. We only know he fell for 3 or 4 but I’m sure it’s 10-12 and he probably sent one or two gift cards as requested to “help” them.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
My boomer cousin falls for a lot of them too, like friend requests from obviously fake women that have a model for their picture. We only know he fell for 3 or 4 but I’m sure it’s 10-12 and he probably sent one or two gift cards as requested to “help” them.
Even Mike Bochetti was able to discern those were not true.