I just lost my friend with benefits because she didn't want to get too attached



My psycho girlfriend finally broke up with me because she pulled some sneaky shit, got my Google password, went through all my social media accounts and emails and found out I cheated on her constantly. I'm actually extremely bummed about it. Not the first time this exact same scenario has happened to me. I'm a piece of shit.
It's bloody Abe's Google history


Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
How stupid is she? I had a girl I kept around on the side for years in between and sometimes during women who I actually wanted to be with. I would make endless promises about us being together in the future but now just isnt the right time because of xyz reason. If I called her to try and get a piece of ass and she would get cold feet I’d tell her you know I think I’m finally ready to commit and within an hour I’d be getting my balls tongue washed. I must have done that a dozen times and she fell for it every single time without fail. She really was a special kind of stupid though, the kind of stupid most men only dream about taking advantage of. I’m not sure where I was going with this, I guess my point is just keeping piling lies on top of lies and eventually things will work themselves out.


My psycho girlfriend finally broke up with me because she pulled some sneaky shit, got my Google password, went through all my social media accounts and emails and found out I cheated on her constantly. I'm actually extremely bummed about it. Not the first time this exact same scenario has happened to me. I'm a piece of shit.
Is she the one who hit you? Fuck her, you're well rid of her. She probably spared you life in prison after one day you snapped and responded, beating her to death with a hockey stick or a bottle of maple syrup.
My psycho girlfriend finally broke up with me because she pulled some sneaky shit, got my Google password, went through all my social media accounts and emails and found out I cheated on her constantly. I'm actually extremely bummed about it. Not the first time this exact same scenario has happened to me. I'm a piece of shit.
Dude thank God she was making you miserable you were just scared to rip off the band aid. If you were cheating you either were so upset you needed something else to make you happy or you wanted to get caught

Enjoy your freedom. Not having someone checking on you like they're your parole officer all the time. Being able to hang with your friends do some blow or watch actual good movies.