I hope somebody bought Patton Oswald a Nespresso machine as a wedding present.

"Sacrifice your wife to the dark lord Moloch and we'll let you do the voice of the bird in the Sandman."
Was this the deal? I'm just asking questions.
This is what I thought. Maybe her research into that serial killer was leading to somebody high up, and they gave him that deal to make her go away and rewarded him with gigs and a new wife. Then they named someone else as the killer to undermine her work.
"Though she was a dedicated crime writer and doting mom, actor Patton Oswalt’s wife led a secret life of drug use before her shocking overdose death.
Michelle McNamara was surrounded by uppers, downers, painkillers, cocaine — and even a substance similar to ecstasy — in the private drug den of the family’s lavish Los Angeles home on April 21, 2016, RadarOnline.com can exclusively reveal.
According to the autopsy papers exclusively obtained by Radar, the 46-year-old had prescription bottles of Bupropion, an antidepressant, Cefdinir, an antibiotic, and Naproxen, an anti-inflammatory drug. All were prescribed to McNamara.

A prescription bottle missing a label was filled with Xanax. While speaking the cops, Oswalt, 48, claimed the medication belonged to him.
But in more sinister findings, officials called to the death scene found TFMPP, or Legal X, a recreational drug often sold as an alternative to MDMA, or ecstasy. The pill was embossed with a lightning bolt, and was hidden inside a small plastic bag tucked away inside a larger bag.

In additional, they discovered cocaine and levamisole, a dewormer for livestock often mixed with the hard drug,
I wonder if Patton made fun of people for wanting to take Ivermectin for Covid.


I’m a faggot for asking this but i’m looking to buy a new coffee machine. If i buy an espresso machine can i also make a normal cup of black coffee with it or only espresso?


This is what I thought. Maybe her research into that serial killer was leading to somebody high up, and they gave him that deal to make her go away and rewarded him with gigs and a new wife. Then they named someone else as the killer to undermine her work.
There's a channel on YouTube called "Programmed To Kill/Satanic Coverup" that digs into the stranger details of so-called serial killers and basically concludes that there's usually more to these stories (multiple accomplices, cult activity, government involvement, etc.). Pretty interesting stuff, even if it's speculation some of the time. Those killings she was investigating had evidence and witness accounts pointing to that sort of thing going on. Wouldn't be surprised in the least. If I can find the specific video later, I'll post it, but here's the channel.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://youtube.com/user/LOLFIELDANDLOVE/videos[/URL]

And before someone says "satanic panic" (how clever, it rhymes!), I don't think these guys are Christian fundies making the videos. The guy who wrote the original book the series is based on was left leaning and secular as far as I know.