i hope pat doesn't get too comfortable posting on facebook


Ribbed for your pleasure
They knew that fairly early, which means they lied. The government lied, the media lied, they all knew. What else did they lie about?

I’m not against vaccines. At all. Not real ones. And I am 100% not a conspiracy guy. I hate Qtards, for example. But I don’t know what the hell these shots are. All I know is, a lot of the things we were told were “conspiracy theories” about these so-called vaccines turned out to be true.

And the people pushing them are known liars.

Ok. Enough of that. Back to these weirdoes.
99% of the things we were taught/told/see on tv or read on the internet is fed to us to limit our opinions and thought processes. The Overton window is gonna be the size of a penny pretty soon.

Yay genital mutilation and sodomy and pat-ophilia and brown people who refuse to assimilate and have to be taken care of by taxpayers because they are too dumb to function in the 1st world!


My huge-cocked pal stole my wife and PUPPIES!
Other 40-something Pig Pals:

Sean Grigsby

Joseph Brassey
Fucking fruits.



When dragons rise from the earth, firefighters are humanity’s last line of defence, in this wild near-future fantasy.

Firefighter Cole Brannigan is on the verge of retirement after 30 years on the job, and a decade fighting dragons. But during his final fire call, he discovers he’s immune to dragon smoke. It’s such a rare power that he’s immediately conscripted into the elite dragon-fighting force known as the Smoke Eaters. Retirement cancelled, Brannigan is re-assigned as a lowly rookie, chafing under his superiors. So when he discovers a plot to take over the city’s government, he takes matters into his own hands. With hundreds of innocent civilians in the crosshairs, it’s up to Brannigan and his fellow Smoke Eaters to repel the dragon menace.
What a fucking faggot.

Looks like a straight Bob Kelly in this one.

[URL]http://www.seangrigsby.com/[/URL] yes, he has a contact form.