I had a nightmare the killer from No Country For Old Men was after me.


May St. Mel bless you
I had a dream where I was hosting an Owen A Forums meetup. A bunch of fat ugly guys eating Doritos of course. Pat is able to crash the meeting and throws a womanly fit about us. We try to calm him down, but he only gets more agitated and trashes my living room. My TV and laptop is smashed, plates and windows broke. It felt so real I was so relieved when I woke up.


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
Without any weapons that Prince Valiant haired Spic wouldn't be shit.
Not trying to be one of those "but in THE BOOK" guys, but in the book its made very clear that he's capable of killing a man with little to effort using his bare hands. There's a part I really wish had made it into the film where a bunch of rednecks call him a faggot and he invites them all outside. He kills one of the guys like 6 times before he even hits the ground and then casually gets in his car and drives off. It all happened so fast the other rednecks assumed their buddy was fucking around and don't even realize he's dead until Anton is speeding down the highway.


Not trying to be one of those "but in THE BOOK" guys, but in the book its made very clear that he's capable of killing a man with little to effort using his bare hands. There's a part I really wish had made it into the film where a bunch of rednecks call him a faggot and he invites them all outside. He kills one of the guys like 6 times before he even hits the ground and then casually gets in his car and drives off. It all happened so fast the other rednecks assumed their buddy was fucking around and don't even realize he's dead until Anton is speeding down the highway.
I've had the book sitting on one of my living room bookshelves for about 3 years and haven't got round to reading it yet. Sounds like I should