I got written up at work today (audio)




There is a fat slob bitch and this goofy fag that work across from me. THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS! So they think it's funny to be loud and sing songs together, like Queen or other shit "classics". So fucking annoying, and yea, I've asked them to stop. A number of fucking times, and they always laugh when they say sorry, meaning they ARE NOT sorry! I've told HR in the past, and she is a nasty whore who also smiles when she asks them to stop, So I got done early this Friday, and they started singing Queen and Depatch mode out fucking loud when it was on the radio... So I sang My own song, I got written up for it and bitched by HR, but I had to fight fire with fire:


Is it possible to somehow put a tracker on this ticking time bomb’s whereabouts? I’m starting to regret that poll thread I made about him.


"... radio's most notorious shock jock."
I generally go to the oldest (fat, of course) black bitch and tell her my problems.

She honey-childs me and makes a scene at HR. I saw her soft-chewing one of the bosses, and it was hilarious, because she's the right hand of the founders of the company and has seniority above practically everyone else, so to fire her the severance would be quite brutal for the department. Also the boss was a recent trust-fund blonde brat acquisition with no savvy whatsoever, so seeing this old black community college graduate explaining equity, leverage and exposure to an ivy leaguer with a masters degree was quite hilarious.


The Backbone of America
One guy I used to work with hated if anyone whistled. Really hated it. He'd visibly cringe and sort of half assed under his breath, but loud enough so you could hear it, say "asshole!" through gritted teeth.

I made it a running joke that this guy got molested to the Andy Griffith Show theme or the intro to Patience by GnR or at a Harlem Globetrotters game.

By the time I left, the majority of people would make a point to walk by this guy whistling for the "asshole!" reaction. I genuinely believe it made his life hell. It's like hearing Styrofoam rubbing together or nails on a chalkboard all day for a normal person. Someone whistling because they're in a good mood was the worst sound in the world to the prick. Which is hilarious in itself.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
One guy I used to work with hated if anyone whistled. Really hated it. He'd visibly cringe and sort of half assed under his breath, but loud enough so you could hear it, say "asshole!" through gritted teeth.

I made it a running joke that this guy got molested to the Andy Griffith Show theme or the intro to Patience by GnR or at a Harlem Globetrotters game.

By the time I left, the majority of people would make a point to walk by this guy whistling for the "asshole!" reaction. I genuinely believe it made his life hell. It's like hearing Styrofoam rubbing together or nails on a chalkboard all day for a normal person. Someone whistling because they're in a good mood was the worst sound in the world to the prick. Which is hilarious in itself.
never let people know your weakness gang never put the wall down for a second