I feel bad for Patrick and Niki



To be honest, he has to have authored the swat calls. The worst part is the podcast guy's theory goes like this, Pat shouldn't be criticized anymore because the criticism lead to a person swatting him. The reason he is being swatted if it is by somebody else is Pat's responses to tweets and texts that mock him not the mocking. Essentially he did this to himself and he wants us jailed to declare victory despite it not being us. This story's only happy ending is Pat being convicted of the swattings.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Truth be told, the swatting is fucked up (If Pat isn't actually involved with it in some way, shape or form). However, saying that.. i don't feel any sympathy for Pig & Stinky.. they are both total pieces of shit. He had dozens of opportunities to walk away from this from the very beginning, but he chose to keep wadling back and stick his snout into our business to gloat. He's an abrasive asshole who bullies and belittles people on twitter every day, and has done for years.

What i'm trying to say here is that Patrick S. Tomlinson is fat & gay.


Shock Jock


Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
Truth be told, the swatting is fucked up (If Pat isn't actually involved with it in some way, shape or form). However, saying that.. i don't feel any sympathy for Pig & Stinky.. they are both total pieces of shit. He had dozens of opportunities to walk away from this from the very beginning, but he chose to keep wadling back and stick his snout into our business to gloat. He's an abrasive asshole who bullies and belittles people on twitter every day, and has done for years.

What i'm trying to say here is that Patrick S. Tomlinson is fat & gay.
Pat is like Cenk Uygar. He is the stereotype of why people that hate Progressives really hate them. He’s obnoxious, condescending, parrots someone else’s takes like they’re his own witty and intelligent observations, and he automatically paints anyone who points out his bullshit as a racist, sexist Homophobe.

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
Pat is like Cenk Uygar. He is the stereotype of why people that hate Progressives really hate them. He’s obnoxious, condescending, parrots someone else’s takes like they’re his own witty and intelligent observations, and he automatically paints anyone who points out his bullshit as a racist, sexist Homophobe.
What's Patrick's take on the Armenian holocaust?


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
What's Patrick's take on the Armenian holocaust?
Funny you should ask! I do not know his opinion on that event, but just today he liked a tweet meming on the ethnic cleansing of Germans post-WW2, which definitely happened and seems probably shouldn’t be just a source of l-o-ls. But what do I know? I’m not a political firebrand.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
No, I don't.

I don't support SWATting and I don't want to see anyone physically harmed (genuinely), but every action has a consequence, funster.

Don't pick fights with strangers online, and you probably won't get some unhinged KFer sending bomb threats and other deranged shit to your home and any events you attend.

Otherwise if you're being a cunt to people you don't know for years on end, then you're sort of inviting trouble to your doorstep, aren't you?

No one here wants him dead. We just want to laugh at his antics. However, if he was serious about ending all this drama then he should (a) get offline, or (b) stop being a cunt on Twitter and keep a low profile until everyone moves on.

He wants this though because he wants the attention of being some sort of martyr for online bullying. Totally shameless, and rotund.

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
They deserve it. The swatter deserves jail too, and I don't endorse SWATTing. But they deserve it.
I disagree. People act like cunts online all the time, people avoid their debts all the time. These people deserve to be mocked and forced to pay what they owe, not have cops sent to harass them for fake reports of violence.

Oogie Farts 1488

🏠420 Friendly + Nigger Farts Welcome💨
I disagree. People act like cunts online all the time, people avoid their debts all the time. These people deserve to be mocked and forced to pay what they owe, not have cops sent to harass them for fake reports of violence.
Patrick threatened to murder his own baby so I could care less what horrible mistreatment some unhinged criminal online subjects him to. This is all karma