I feel bad for Patrick and Niki

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
Only in relation to the swatting shit. Listening to part 3 of the podcast I genuinely feel bad for them and I hope whoever keeps calling the police on them dies painfully in jail.

I find it particularly interesting that Patrick no doubt provided the audio of their interactions with police to the other media outlets that interviewed them - but none of it aired. The old media is in lockstep with the state and does not criticise their zogbots.

That said I hope the reddit guys continue their contact form and SMS messages those are hilarious and they both deserve every bit of it.


I'm still not convinced they're not behind most of them. The interview makes it clear that they are trying to build a case against the Milwaukee police. They were far more critical of them and their tactics than anyone else. Didn't Torswats claim almost immediately that Pig's goal was to be able to sue the MPD?

Then during the interview Pig doubled down on his claim that a stlaker child used his information to create a crypto account to pay for the SWATs. We know that this isn't possible without physical access to Pig's phone, and his SS which he's been claiming we stole but I'd never heard that claim until the Torswats story broke wide.


I would feel bad but Pat has clearly learned nothing. assuming pat isnt doing it to himself, whoever is doing it is one of the many, many thousands (reference, etc) of enemies Pat has made by being a mouthy cunt on social media. he wants to be brooklyn dad and ben shapiro and all those other retards who repeat party talking points online for money SO BAD, but neither of them threaten to rape women that disagree with them and pat doesnt seem to get that. 1.2

even after getting swaTTed, he is STILL doing it. so I can't feel bad, I can only laugh. I still hope whoever is doing it goes to jail because swaTTing is not funny. Perhaps the criminal can share a cell with our favorite contempTer.

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
I felt bad for Niki. I thought maybe she just didn’t pay attention to what an atrocious cunt her husband is online. Maybe she was meek and just let him blow off steam. Now we know she’s as big of a cunt as Piggy is, I kinda enjoyed hearing her cry about the swattings. “They pulled guns, that’s violent”, I hope you feared for you life, Niki. You’re not done innocent bystander, you’re as involved as your retarded swine husband is.


OK but hersh da ting, pat WAS doing it to himself. He last mentioned being swatted on June 27th.


This was the last time because he finally got the media to somewhat pay attention and his inside edition story ran on July 6th. Now he doesn't feel the need to take the risk anymore despite nobody caring about his crybaby story.


Opie Simp
OK but hersh da ting, pat WAS doing it to himself. He last mentioned being swatted on June 27th.


This was the last time because he finally got the media to somewhat pay attention and his inside edition story ran on July 6th. Now he doesn't feel the need to take the risk anymore despite nobody caring about his crybaby story.
Also that incident was called into the complex next to his house, and there's no evidence that it was a swatting.

Stop feeling sorry for Pat and Niki. Pat is swatting himself, and Niki is either complicit, or is too retarded to see what a psychopath her husband is.