I downloaded every episode of Dragon Ball Z to watch while exercising, and I got motherfucked!



Still remember my dad calling me a faggot when I begged for some money to buy dragon ball cards at around age 12.


Pay attention to how nervous I am
I was at some kids house for the first time in middle school and he refused to budge on watching dragonball z which I've always hated. I went into the garage with my buddy and we lit a couple boxes on fire and it got way out of control and caused a ton of damage to their shitty tiny little home which I'm sure they couldn't really afford to fix. Dragonball z is for queers.


I was at some kids house for the first time in middle school and he refused to budge on watching dragonball z which I've always hated. I went into the garage with my buddy and we lit a couple boxes on fire and it got way out of control and caused a ton of damage to their shitty tiny little home which I'm sure they couldn't really afford to fix. Dragonball z is for queers.

I broke two ribs


Ribbed for your pleasure
My friend tried to get me into DBZ in like 8th grade I just couldn't allow myself to resort to baby shows at that age. I did however watch a fuckload of Cowboy Bebo. Faye Valentine has top tier cartoon tits. I put her right up there with Jessica Rabbit on the fuckable cartoon character scale.
Facts, I refuse to simp for any actual woman, but Faye is S class waifu material.


Ribbed for your pleasure
It really is based, Saiyans are just aryans from space, Hitler would have invited emperor tojo over and they would have had the best of times. Super Saiyan = SS, and their hair turns blond and their eyes turn green. Also piccolo is the closest thing to a nigger I could tolerate, hes one of the few good ones.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Yeah I loved that intro, fawk the haters saying DBZ stunk. Goku is basically Jesus with kung fu skills, and Frieza is a space jew.

Vegeta was fuckin based.

I wished I lived in a utopian Japan that was just white people and animals who could talk.

Vegeta’s father was based space Hitler. That utopian Japan would be better if there weren’t country destroying fights every month. Niggas gotta rebuild their cities like they‘re the Doozers from Fraggle Rock.


I was at some kids house for the first time in middle school and he refused to budge on watching dragonball z which I've always hated. I went into the garage with my buddy and we lit a couple boxes on fire and it got way out of control and caused a ton of damage to their shitty tiny little home which I'm sure they couldn't really afford to fix. Dragonball z is for queers.
What episode of dragon ball z was it?


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Yeah I loved that intro, fawk the haters saying DBZ stunk. Goku is basically Jesus with kung fu skills, and Frieza is a space jew.

Vegeta was fuckin based.

I wished I lived in a utopian Japan that was just white people and animals who could talk.

Animals that can talk is how they see Niggers.

Uncle Paul hates Dragonball because Goku was weimerproof


It always annoyed me as a kid when adult swim/toonami would play anime. I feel vindicated in this opinion since I grew up to only be half a fag.


My friend tried to get me into DBZ in like 8th grade I just couldn't allow myself to resort to baby shows at that age. I did however watch a fuckload of Cowboy Bebo. Faye Valentine has top tier cartoon tits. I put her right up there with Jessica Rabbit on the fuckable cartoon character scale.
I had to look it up and see you weren't talking about the ginger pornstar with genital warts. I'd fuck both tbhwy.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Are you 35 or older? They are by far the most embarrassing. Fucking grown men watching cartoons. My little nephew liked that show in its heyday. He's in his mid 20's right now and doesn't watch it.