I accept My defeat to hellhole and crew


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
At least you've kept your dignity.


NYC Mayor
Harassing the tradio and swap shop channels are pure fucking gold*

Yeah they are. It's a whole different vibe though. They were able to mine some gold out of their victims, but it's far too polished and edited down for my taste. I like to hear the pranked person reacting in realtime, not hearing their response to something else re-purposed to make another joke work, which is what they did on Howard. The "beats" of the conversation are all off, you can tell it's heavily edited.


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
I don't feel the need to defend such a ridiculum, but I will say something: you only know I take heroin because I mentioned it... not really an 'own', is it?
not trying to "own" you, just want you to get better. I've heard your vocaroos.. you've got potential as a CHH Radio regular