Hurts me to say it, but Tom Green is officially a faggot.


The Fugitive
Freddy got Fingered is a national treasure.


I dunno. I think the people who took the shots and the boosters will have the worst health overall, and the silent majority who maybe had one and didn't get their kids vaxxed will be like, "yeah we were better off not having it at all, but one wasn't so bad."

And I say that based on absolutely nothing.
we are seeing a caste system being created in real time


Keyboard Warrior
I liked his MTV show back in the day.

But after it was canceled, he came out with some rap album. I downloaded it off of limewire. It was awful. He basically rapped about his MTV stuff and basically he was badmouthing it and himself for doing it. He was a real douchebag, and I stopped paying attention to anything he did.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Fortunately for me, I don't accept personal health advice from washed-up 90s comics, the drummer from Nirvana or the bass player from Kiss. If some stupid entertainer doesn't want my money unless I can prove I received a vaccine, fine, I'll go spend it elsewhere.
I have a hard time believing Gene Simmons is going to turn down money. Even jews think he's dirty jew


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Such a strong opinion that he deleted it. Weak faggot.

I want to get a Twitter so that I can rub the hypocrisy of these virtue signalers in their faces.

If you're not actively combating human trafficking, don't talk to me.