Dude.. I don’t care if I get flamed for this because I can recognize if someone looks attractive even if I’m not attracted to them, so here goes… Blaire White, who is also a bio man, was very pretty a few years ago, before she got too surgeried out like all the other trannies with money seem to. Her body is still in super good shape and looks femme too. Narrow shoulders, the whole thing.
Bailey Jay like 7 years ago was also a femme looker, and I’d even put Sue Lightning on a decently high tier for the frankentrans.
Some Brazilian trannies look like that too. A few could pass for super hot chicas.
Wormfag’s wife Olaf? No, guuuurl. He’s in very good shape. He’s tall. I’ll give him that, but his shoulders are wider than a fucking linebacker’s. Look at the insta pics/vids, which he hasn’t been posting lately since he’s addicted to Xannies now. He seriously has shoulders wider than Rhode Island and his back is huge. You can see it when he stands full body and sits down. Even the Revenge of the Cis guys said this a year ago.
The face? There are some rare pics, with TONS, globs of makeup where he has looked somewhat pretty/feminine from a distance or at certain angles but if he’s wearing little makeup or especially none, his elongated manly face is terrifyingly apparent. It was gruesome in the argument vid.
Even with the loads of makeup, he still looks mad ugly most of the time. He looks like some giant Finnish boy who just started doing drag. I’ve met Norwegians online and irl and even though he is, he doesn’t look like them. He looks like a fucking Norse horse man skin walker. The fags call it “skag drag” (I used to be a leftist and did shrooms with weird circles of people), basically, shitty stereotypical whore makeup, bad bone structure, and gaudy fashion. He’s all three.
He’s a big ugly boy is what I’m saying and if he’s that bad looking on camera, can you imagine how scary he would be to behold in real life?? Id like to think how easy it would be to just punch him but maybe his cinder block face would freeze anyone in fear!!! I would rather marry a Yeti in a dress personally, more feminine and better conversational skills.
It’s one reason I never fucked trannies, as much as a degenerate as I am.. the giant shoulders scare/disgust me and almost all trannies, especially now, have them. I don’t even find the dick thing, which is still creepy, as aesthetically disturbing as that for some reason. It’s like you’re dating a soccer field in a wig. Like seeing your mom or sister with Hulk Hogan in his prime’s body attached. Creepy eepie, and even the queers who like manly men or twink fags feel horror and disgust for the trans creatures!!