Howard Stern interviews Biden

Sue Lightning

The US is so done, nobody is even excited for a Trump-Biden debate 2.0.

Remember the electric, historic energy before the Hilary-Trump debates in 2016? Back when your country wasn't a zombie? LOL
Because Hilary and Trump were both widely disliked but we recognized whoever we picked would be our leader, so you paid close attention to it.

Trump and Biden aren’t leaders though. They’re asleep at the wheel. So of course theres no excitement in picking a side, what will change if so?
Both the last two US presidents to die in office last words were "I have a terrific pain in the back of my head"

I wonder what Biden/trumps last words will be

Why cant we all just get along, funsters
And those people are retards
But there's millions of them. 70% of republicans believe the last election was rigged. The overwhelming majority.

This is the institution of democracy on its last leg...its wane. You want to discuss the deck of chairs on the titanic, and I'm telling you, democracy is going out the window (no hyperbole).

Sue Lightning

But there's millions of them. 70% of republicans believe the last election was rigged.
And they’ll forget about it in 2028 when the Republicans return to some sort of centrist platform and start doing mail in voting full on. Trump JUST came out and said early / mail voting is actually good, so we’re already seeing that shift. These people have no logic. Just because they think the 2020 election was rigged doesn’t mean they think the 2024 election will be (even if it WILL be).
This is the institution of democracy on its last leg...its wane. You want to discuss the deck of chairs on the titanic, and I'm telling you, democracy is going out the window (no hyperbole).
Nope. The way we have it set up is simply too strong to resist that. The closest we’ve gotten to that was FDR with his 4 term, court packing, executive order bullshit but even he and everyone in the congress were “democratically elected” (the early 1900’s were even more fraudulent than anything you can imagine now - crime bosses based around regions and cultures ran cities and towns and of course then ran politicians and voting.)

But I guess some perspective what do you think a non-democratic America looks like? Because then you have to analyze exactly how America as it is now would get to that conclusion.
But there's millions of them. 70% of republicans believe the last election was rigged. The overwhelming majority.

This is the institution of democracy on its last leg...its wane. You want to discuss the deck of chairs on the titanic, and I'm telling you, democracy is going out the window (no hyperbole).
Smart people have known that the US is a Jewish oligarchy for some time. Now retards increasingly know that democracy is broken (they still don't know why).

...So what?

It's an interesting shift, watching even the dumbest white mother fuckers who cry at the Anthem take their flags down and get real, etc. As a social phenomenon/spectacle it's a thing. But what changes? Nobody is going to do anything. And besides what does "do anything" even mean? There is nothing to "do."

The Alt Right learned this lesson in Charlottesville. Freedom of assembly was clearly violated, they had the OK from the local police chief to do the march ahead of time. When our guys arrived the police encircled them- at the insistence of the mayor- and literally funneled them into antifa guaranteeing an altercation, pepper spray/attack dogs, etc.

After that Jews pumped something like 8 million USD into bullshit lawfare against various public figures, knowing that our guys couldn't compete financially and would be financially ruined from the lawsuits even if they "won." One of the craziest media campaigns in modern history was conducted on social media with universal praise for antifa and universal condemnation of WN's. The Jews flexxed their media muscle arguably like never before. The FBI gave doxes to Antifa of various random dudes, a few super young guys committed suicide as they knew their lives were over. Millions of dollars were lost in legal fees. And that was it. Nobody cared.

I agree with Sue. The individuals who run shit are far from infallible but the fundamental mechanisms of US Power are (almost) unbreakable. FFS Republicans are openly saying antisemitism is illegal in Texas and Florida lol.
Haha. He had to go on Stern because any news outlet, no matter how up the ass of the Democrat party, would have to ask him about Gaza.
It's a beautiful little dig at whites too.

Stern made a living brutally psychologically abusing trailer park white girls, mostly broken Evangelicals from the South, to the point where even horny young dudes like me were watching and thinking "FFS Stern she's going to go home and kill herself. Take it easy." Some of his bits are levels of brutality against vulnerable women that it almost beggars belief that it was once on cable TV. And yet here is he is just a few decades later interviewing a sitting President, while simultaneously his tribe ethnically cleanses their enemy and not a word is spoken abt it.

Chutzpah off the scales.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
Listen I don’t like Biden, but fuck me I really don’t wanna deal with Trump and Project 2025.
Nana’s gonna get rounded up when the Christians government comes for the gays, maybe him and Jimmy and Jimmy’s man can share a bunk.

Also I want Anthony’s final years to be under Biden, cause he’ll be prone to more anger


May St. Mel bless you
Listen I don’t like Biden, but fuck me I really don’t wanna deal with Trump and Project 2025.
Nana’s gonna get rounded up when the Christians government comes for the gays, maybe him and Jimmy and Jimmy’s man can share a bunk.

Also I want Anthony’s final years to be under Biden, cause he’ll be prone to more anger

You really think Trump will be able to do anything? He did jack shit his first term, except appoint judges with McConnell’s help.