How was Joseph Goebbels not a kike?

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
hilter's boyfriend (allegedly) was a fucking jew. emil maurice. buncha closeted self-hating jews, all of them.

Fun fact: Hitler didn't have a driver's license and this jewboy drove Der Fuhrer's short ass around, lol.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Eva Braun = Missy Muscles
Emil Maurice = Sue Lightning
Some German women are knockouts, for sure, but a lot of them are frumpy hags. When I read Mein Kampf (I only got to Chapter 4), you kinda figure that The Hitman mostly hated the Slovenians and Slovaks coming into Austria, but their women imo are the real hotties.

Basically, Hitler cockblocked Western Europe from hot Slavpussy, which intensified the autism in the Germanic people.


Some German women are knockouts, for sure, but a lot of them are frumpy hags. When I read Mein Kampf (I only got to Chapter 4), you kinda figure that The Hitman mostly hated the Slovenians and Slovaks coming into Austria, but their women imo are the real hotties.

Basically, Hitler cockblocked Western Europe from hot Slavpussy, which intensified the autism in the Germanic people.
no offense, but the Nazis were on to something. Germanics > Slavs in the human ladder. Look how the two Slavic kids get mogged by the Germanic one in the middle:


The thing is..."Germany" itself is barely 40% germanic. Most Southern Germans, Bavarians/Bohemians are just peasants of Alpine stock with brown hair...Hitler himself for eg.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Some German women are knockouts, for sure, but a lot of them are frumpy hags. When I read Mein Kampf (I only got to Chapter 4), you kinda figure that The Hitman mostly hated the Slovenians and Slovaks coming into Austria, but their women imo are the real hotties.

Basically, Hitler cockblocked Western Europe from hot Slavpussy, which intensified the autism in the Germanic people.
I spent a month in Berlin and found German women were either frumpy dumpy-looking lumps or cutie-pies like Kirsten Dunst. Unfortunately Der Hausfraus outnumbered Dunsts 20:1.

Prague, otoh, had straight-up supermodels all over the place.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
no offense, but the Nazis were on to something. Germanics > Slavs in the human ladder. Look how the two Slavic kids get mogged by the Germanic one in the middle:

View attachment 50894

The thing is..."Germany" itself is barely 40% germanic. Most Southern Germans, Bavarians/Bohemians are just peasants of Alpine stock with brown hair...Hitler himself for eg.
I'm half-Germanic so I don't take offense to any of it, but you can cherry pick examples that help your argument.

This is Alexander Zverev, born in Germany to Russian parents:


If his last name were Steiger, you would just think he's German.

My grandfather was from Bavaria, on the border to Austria. He looked like Wernher von Braun.

I spent a month in Berlin and found German women were either frumpy dumpy-looking lumps or cutie-pies like Kirsten Dunst. Unfortunately Der Hausfraus outnumbered Dunsts 20:1.

Prague, otoh, had straight-up supermodels all over the place.
This is what I hear all the time. Austria and Germany are filled with women built to tenderize pork. An older Austrian I know says, "you need a woman for the kitchen and a woman for the bedroom - they won't do both!"

Croatians, Czechs, Ukrainians, etc. are pecker hardeners.