How much do you save?

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
WWAW S&p 500 vs CRISPR total market, wilshire 5000 or any other total US stock market index? S&P is top heavy.

WWAW 3 fund portfolio, US total market, international total market and US bonds (US treasury and TIPS)?

Stock picking is a loser's game, index funds slowly make you rich.


I'm taking stlaker Patti's advice and will put away a solid $3k by the time I retire. I also have almost 3 whole days of vacation saved up.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
My job matches 5% so that’s it’s for traditional investing. I made more from crypto investing last year than I did from my W2 job.