How many of you white trash idiots have been shot?


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I didn't think you had to get shot to do drugs, but its not my story.


Stand Alone Fruit
I was super fawkin drunk at a college party in an apartment complex - like complete black out and I was outside the building I was staying at and some N person pulled a knife on me and told me to give him my wallet. Now this was told to me by people outside near by but they said I just started yelling at him all loud and shit at 3 in the morning about the situation and how dare he think he can steal from me which drew more attention to what was happening from people out on their patios / stairwells partying. I even dared him to “cut me up real good!” If he’s gonna try to rob me and the N person got scared and ran off.

Best part? I didn’t even have my wallet or phone on me.


Shock Jock
My ex girlfriends dad got shot on an elevated train platform in like 1987 by some nigger, and he didnt reveal this information until one day I was over eating dinner and everyone including his wife heard it for the first time. Was fucking hilarious. He just shrugged and was like “Yeah some jig shot me in the back when I got off the El, you ingrates never ask how Im doing, just take and take and take”