How many cups of CAWfee do you brothamen drink each day, and how do you take it?

Two cups of this in the morning and a cup of LIBTARD tears in the afternoon.


Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
When I was working in an office, I drank it throughout the day to give me something to get out of my cubicle for. That 3pm cup was a banger.

Now that I'm at home all day, I barely touch the stuff, but I like to fag it up and order a skinny vanilla almond milk latte at SBUX once every week or two.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
How do you make it?
You pretty much just put the grounds in water and put them in the fridge over night(at least 10 hours) then filter out the grounds and drink the shit. You can get a thingy such as this to make it super easy. That's the one I have and for some reason the price went up since I bought it last year but I'm sure there's cheaper options. It was a game changer switching over.


4 cups of black coffee from the Keurig before 11am lunch. Used to get those big ass hazelnut dunkin donuts coffees all the time until the place near me closed, which was probably all for the best.

I also used to use the french press which was really good using fresh ground coffee beans but aint nobody got time for that shit anymore
I drink instant coffee with cold water within 30 seconds of getting out of bed. I really, really don't like mornings. Think Garfield and Mondays.

After that I put several tablespoons of green tea in a pint glass and keep adding cold water. So, I probably have 3 pints of green tea each morning. That makes things almost bareable.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
4 cups of black coffee from the Keurig before 11am lunch. Used to get those big ass hazelnut dunkin donuts coffees all the time until the place near me closed, which was probably all for the best.

I also used to use the french press which was really good using fresh ground coffee beans but aint nobody got time for that shit anymore
French Press niggas 4 lyfe.


I have a face like a shovel
french press' are exactly like cast iron skillets

people think they're complicated but are simple to get the hang of, and are a game changer