How are these real people? (warning: Jackie thread, do not click)

Honey Badger

My father has no penis


Stand Alone Fruit
What’s funny pretty much all of these official accounts for people in government (from senators all the way up to the president) are run by some intern or social media “coordinator” yet they all think the person they tag is actually seeing and responding. That’s how dumb Jackie is, she actually thinks Joe Biden is actually tweeting and reading what people tweet at him.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
What’s funny pretty much all of these official accounts for people in government (from senators all the way up to the president) are run by some intern or social media “coordinator” yet they all think the person they tag is actually seeing and responding. That’s how dumb Jackie is, she actually thinks Joe Biden is actually tweeting and reading what people tweet at him.
They must still be mad that twitter isnt some weapon that they can use anymore. They just get laughed at now.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
Jackie is dumb but what’s scary is her followers are much dumber than her. They all believe they are changing the word with their tweets and that makes it ok to do nothing but tweet all day.

People who are on Twitter for any other reason than trolling are almost certain to be unbearable dumb faggots.


Stand Alone Fruit
They must still be mad that twitter isnt some weapon that they can use anymore. They just get laughed at now.
Even funnier - the last person that made Twitter relevant was Trump. Without him making news for his frantic tweets the whole platform is irrelevant. I don’t know one person in real life that actually uses twitter seriously - anyone that did stop using years ago after the initial popularity over 10 years ago because it sucks.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
I'm starting to feel like maybe we are bullying an authentically retarded person. Maybe Jackie belongs in the Wyyzz forum.

Same thing applies to Patrick. Prior to social media, these types would've just lived shitty unfulfilling lives in poverty and been ignored by everyone but now they get to feel important and like they're accomplishing something in the world. It's all so tiresome.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
They act like a block is very serious when they just sound like a retard.
Ant and Joe also think a block is really sticking it to the trolls. The rolls dont care but when they get blocked/banned they lose their shit. Joe had a meltdown over facebook banning him and Ant couldnt handle Twitter rejecting him. Its like they forgot that social media has no impact on real life. You can be much happier without it. Instead its just a vector to be continuously miserable.