Hot take


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
When PCJ said pat wasnt a super lefty when they used to hang out, that changed my thought more towards him pandering heavy to nikis feminist ideologies instead of influencing her.

I think he just shifted with the culture. Clinton & Dubya were both rich cunts, but they had charm to them so only the hyper-political were obsessing over them. Sure Clinton got his cock sucked, and Dubya lead us into a bullshit war, but whatever.

Obama comes along, and a lot of people like him, but the current era of political correctness starts. Suddenly you can't playfully talk shit about Obama the way you could Clinton & Dubya, because it was rayciss.

Then 2016 rolls around and everything comes political. Hillary vs Trump draws a huge line in the sand because both choices were so goddamn polarizing, and we've been fighting a Cultural Civil War ever since. But seriously, Pat was always going to dive head first into wokeness because Trumpers reminded him of his high school bullies.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Absolutely agree, I've made the same point before. His "beliefs" are whatever he considers the dominant moral zeitgeist to be. He doesn't actually have any convictions.
He will freak out about something a republican gets busted for something and then be totally ok when a democrat does the same thing or he will pretend it never happened. Id almost respect his retarded political outrage if he was consistent and called out the bad of his own left side when they get in trouble for shit instead if ignoring it and finding something to deflect the attention. It just proves that he is a phony and not genuine in his beliefs. He will flip flop in an instant if it means the side he roots for comes out on top. He cant even acknowledge that both sides are corrupt.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman