Hi, I'm Mike Ehrmantraut

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
No- that's "A Hit is a Hit."
Pay close attention to that episode when you watch it, there’s a lot of plot details that come up in later episodes like the yid and the nigger suing each other over copyright infringements. If I recall correctly Hesh and Massive end up settling their dispute with a breakdance competition that Tony judges


Pay close attention to that episode when you watch it, there’s a lot of plot details that come up in later episodes like the yid and the nigger suing each other over copyright infringements. If I recall correctly Hesh and Massive end up settling their dispute with a breakdance competition that Tony judges
Ackshully, they played spin the dreidel and then they breakdanced.


I have a face like a shovel
why y'all niggas got to shit on Rollins yo?

even if he is a flaming lefty, he still gets "a pass".....


Still spreading the O&A virus
I'm a stoic, excellent judge of character.
I died because I started verbally attacking a narcissistic murderer who I previously described as a ticking time bomb, whilst unarmed in the middle of nowhere.
I'm the smartest character on the show. Pretty cool, huh?
Meh. Walt was a timebomb in the sense that he would do foolish shit, but not necessarily the kind to impulsively pop caps. I just rewatched it not long ago. It's alright, but Sopranos will always be superior. You can drop in on almost any episode and be entertained.

The characters that fight Walt are purely retarded and let him kill them over and over again by acting stupid:

- Gus knows that Walter blew up Tuco's office. Possibly murdered Tuco's assistants. And possibly lead his DEA agent brother-in-law to where Tuco was living to have Tuco killed. He also knows that Walt uses explosives to kill people and break into warehouses. And that Walt will shoot people, order people murdered, and once drove to Gus's house. Gus knows that Hector talked to the DEA in his old folk's home. Yet he does not sweep the room for bugs or microphones that the DEA might have planted. Because even a basic sweep would reveal the scuba tank sized bomb under the wheelchair.

- Hank knows that Walt is a serial killer. Knows that Walt has shot people to death and blown people up. Knows that Walt has connections into the prison system to kill people. Knows that Walt worked for both the Salamancas and Gus. Both people that tried to kill Hank including the twins who were one shot away (but in typical hack writing fashion stood there with the kill shot and did nothing). Yet Hank shows up without backup in the middle of the desert to confront Walt without telling a single person from the DEA, FBI, or local police where he was going. As if Walt could not have a dozen cartel hitters with him or Walt could have explosives or a gun.

- Mike knows that Walt is a maniac killer who will kill anyone. He knows that Walt in the past solved his problems through just killing anyone and everyone indiscriminately even wielding the gun himself. Decides to meet Walt in the middle of nowhere instead of meeting in a crowded area with witnesses like a parking lot or restaurant. Decides to not have someone with him as backup to make sure he leaves alive. Decides to let Walt deliver him the money and not Saul a harmless anorexic old lawyer. Decides to let Walter deliver a case that has a loaded gun in it.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Because it's a good bit.