He believes he's owed $$

Screenshot 2022-01-13 at 11.27.57.png

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I fucking love he bought an oculus just for facebook then gets himself banned. What a maroon. I hope they send him a link to craigslist for a place to sell it. Now he is trying to speak to a manager on twitter like facebook sold him the devise. Sounds like joe threw out the receipt. Even walmart has a 90 day return policy. Joe just sitting on his couch starring at the oculus while it mocks him. Joe itching for an edgy political facebook. He thinks by tweeting about it will get him a refund. Instead they will tell him to contact the place of purchase and he will go on more rant tweets about it. Cant wait to see how it plays out. Instead of giving it to layla he wants to make a stink about a refund.