Have you ever had a job where you basically do nothing all day?


I was on a consulting engagement where the client was paying us to be on site in Brooklyn but had literally 0 work for us to do once we got done with the initial deliverable 3 months in.

The entire team would spend entire days surfing the internet. We went out to breakfast and lunch every single day and would get shit faced at night. I got sexually harassed twice by female bosses (nothing ended up happening but it was nice to be harassable).

The only work I did was personal shit - I tried to build out a methodology to profiteer off of daily fantasy hockey. I wrote a college entrance essay for my buddy’s younger brother (he got in). Studied up on soviet history (Stalin was a bit of a real ass dude). Discovered the sub. Shit posted and trolled on Reddit (which accounted for 80% of my time). This went on for over 18 months. It was fucking tremendous.

Now I do actual Consulting work but I still feel like I only work part time. I spend a lot of my day shitposting here in between meetings.
When i was at night school I worked the day shift in a bar. The busiest I ever had it was maybe pouring 2 beers in a 5 hour shift. I did all the prep for the night service and apart from that I spent 6 hours reading the papers, doing crossword puzzles and listening to the radio. The best bit was they ordered trays of wraps, paninis and sandwiches. I never sold any of it but after it expired I'd take it home and me and my roommates would live off expired paninis. After about 2 months some retard cop bought the bar and his first move was to stop serving food and not open till 1700. I did one night shift on a weekend and it was busy as fuck so I walked out.


I substitute teach almost entirely high school elective, AP, IB, vocational training classes, and in the media centers. Pretty much all I do is write what the instructor wants them to do on the board and take attendance. Covering media center/library is even less work because the secretaries cover the check-in/check-outs. The vast majority of my day is spent pissing around on my Chromebook or shooting the shit with students and other staff.

I love not having to go to the same place and do the same shit every day. The area I live in has three high schools, two alternative HS, and a career center which is basically just a community college that HS students can attend for vocational training. One of the instructors I regularly fill in for at the career center only teaches a half day in the mornings but if you sub for her you get paid for a full day. I sub a lot at the high school I graduated from so I know which teachers have been there longest and filling in for them is usually easy because they have the best schedules. A lot of times I'm able to leave an hour or more early because they have planning during the last period of the day or their whole afternoon is online instruction but I still get paid for the full day.


Yeah I work overnights for the city fixing the subway and I’m on the track maybe 30 minutes a night, if that. The rest of the night I can do whatever. Only downfall is random drug tests and breathalyzers 🤷🏻‍♂️ they’re pretty rare but I like my job enough where I don’t want to risk getting jammed up and have to be sent to the program/rehab for months.
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Paid by the hour? Lol @ "feeling bad." You go to work to do your job. If your job regularly has 30 minutes of downtime, why the fuck do you feel bad? They are doing their jobs, and you are doing your job.

It's usually crazy women who say shit like this at work. They don't like downtime, they like being busy. As if you somehow doing annoying mundane tasks is tricking you into accomplishment. Time passes just the same, stupid. Sit there and enjoy getting paid.
Paid by the hour? Lol @ "feeling bad." You go to work to do your job. If your job regularly has 30 minutes of downtime, why the fuck do you feel bad? They are doing their jobs, and you are doing your job.

It's usually crazy women who say shit like this at work. They don't like downtime, they like being busy. As if you somehow doing annoying mundane tasks is tricking you into accomplishment. Time passes just the same, stupid. Sit there and enjoy getting paid.
It doesn't pass just the same though. At least not for me. I don't wanna be busy for the sake of feeling accomplished, it's more about how the downtown makes one hour feel like three.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
I just got a job as a 'checker' at a distribution warehouse and It's gotta be the easiest Job I've ever had in my entire life. Literally all I do is wait for trucks to get back from their route, log any items they returned with (damaged, returns, etc) and that's it. Each truck takes about 2-3 minutes and I do about 30-40 per day.

I regularly have 30 minute periods where no trucks arrive at all and this is the part that makes me feel odd... During these times I usually find myself just sitting on a pallet in the middle of the warehouse, dicking around on the internet and playing games on my phone. Is this bad? I feel like a lazy shithead because everyone else is busting their ass, but I have nothing else to do during the downtime.


My job is easy and I feel like shithead when I'm doing nothing during the downtime. Should I?
You should maximize your income by selling them meth on the side


It doesn't pass just the same though. At least not for me. I don't wanna be busy for the sake of feeling accomplished, it's more about how the downtown makes one hour feel like three.

Time slows down when you're working and passes by faster when you're dicking around. If you can't enjoy doing nothing I dunno what to tell you, COMPULSIVE.


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
I did a job where it was 30 mins easy work first thing in the morning and then 7 1/2 hours of nothing (plus breaks and 30 mins for lunch). The only catch was it was in an office and I couldn't leave or work from home. I'd read, watch youtube or just browse the forum. The cocksuckers had their computers locked down so I couldn't browse anything and had to use my phone. Everyone else in the place was overworked and people were walking out on their jobs. I was contracted and they couldn't ask me to do any work other than what I was there for. I fell asleep a couple of times sitting right next to someone who then handed in their resignation. I like to think they saw me sleeping and got really mad.


I did a job where it was 30 mins easy work first thing in the morning and then 7 1/2 hours of nothing (plus breaks and 30 mins for lunch). The only catch was it was in an office and I couldn't leave or work from home. I'd read, watch youtube or just browse the forum. The cocksuckers had their computers locked down so I couldn't browse anything and had to use my phone. Everyone else in the place was overworked and people were walking out on their jobs. I was contracted and they couldn't ask me to do any work other than what I was there for. I fell asleep a couple of times sitting right next to someone who then handed in their resignation. I like to think they saw me sleeping and got really mad.
Go to geek squad no more. Bring in your own laptop to work and press CTRL ALT DEL and you can hotspot off your phone.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
I did a job where it was 30 mins easy work first thing in the morning and then 7 1/2 hours of nothing (plus breaks and 30 mins for lunch). The only catch was it was in an office and I couldn't leave or work from home. I'd read, watch youtube or just browse the forum. The cocksuckers had their computers locked down so I couldn't browse anything and had to use my phone. Everyone else in the place was overworked and people were walking out on their jobs. I was contracted and they couldn't ask me to do any work other than what I was there for. I fell asleep a couple of times sitting right next to someone who then handed in their resignation. I like to think they saw me sleeping and got really mad.
Wwaw finish sucking off the boss man at 9:30 so you can dick around the whole day


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
Go to geek squad no more. Bring in your own laptop to work and press CTRL ALT DEL and you can hotspot off your phone.
Not allowed outside computers. Might download all the Panera secrets or something. I should've bought an xbox to take in.

Wwaw finish sucking off the boss man at 9:30 so you can dick around the whole day
We all know that at first it's just a blowjob, but after a few weeks they're asking to put a finger in you, then it's a handy at lunch...