Have you ever gotten back with an ex and why didn’t it work?


and her hair smells like red froot loops
Yeah I never really understood why they never worked until I heard Patrice's "general/private in your army" argument, then it all clicked for me.

Everytime I'd get back together with an ex, I'd want the relationship to be where it was when we ended it, and they'd want to essentially start from scratch, which would frustrate the hell out of me. The joy of new pussy is worth the courtship process of dating and all that bullshit, but I've already fucked you 1000 times, so the 1001th time isn't going to be special. It's not even about the sex, it's more about the emotional availability. Like I've already done the work breaking down your emotional shields, you've confessed your deepest darkest secrets to me, now you're gonna act all cagey and guarded?

But yeah, once Patrice said it from his perspective I understood it from theirs.