Have you banged hotter chicks than Belle Knox?



Be honest. I have. I'm totally NOT gay, too.


My favorite long form O&A listen is the Lady Di Internship but I get so irritated listening to this part. This whore is talking about her poor loser of a father driving her around NYC to do photoshoots. And Ant and Jim are just like "oh isn't that great!!" Nice Shock Jockery fags.

She did say she'd fuck the Opester and ignored the affront from the other 2 creeps. She must have seen his bulge.

WWAWD media trying to use this cunt to normalize and make it socially acceptable for 18 year old girls doing porn.

If you want to fine, but you don't get to keep your dignity.


Be honest. I have. I'm totally NOT gay, too.

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My favorite long form O&A listen is the Lady Di Internship but I get so irritated listening to this part. This whore is talking about her poor loser of a father driving her around NYC to do photoshoots. And Ant and Jim are just like "oh isn't that great!!" Nice Shock Jockery fags.

She did say she'd fuck the Opester and ignored the affront from the other 2 creeps. She must have seen his bulge.

WWAWD media trying to use this cunt to normalize and make it socially acceptable for 18 year old girls doing porn.

If you want to fine, but you don't get to keep your dignity.
Loved when she said she’d fuck ope, you know it made Jim and the count brood. I’m sure anth reminded her he has a pool and a karaoke bar


I have a face like a shovel

she would be a legit step up from the pigs that made up my sexual history

I'd easily pre cum taking off my pants with her

I was a younger man with low self esteem, so I never tried to fuck girls who were above a "5" (that is after I realized that any decent looking girl I spoke to would reject me, so I never tried to ask out/fuck an "above average" woman)

Ironically, I would do much better with women now. I'm older, and much more self aware of who I am. However- I'm old, and jaded, and just want to be fed, and play video games. Women are legit Yecch to me now......what's that saying- "Youth is wasted on the Young"
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"... radio's most notorious shock jock."
When I lived in China it was absolutely ridiculous. I jerk off thinking about girls I turned down.

Now I'm back in England and what's on offer to me here isn't worth having. To put it mildly.
Chinks love them white cocks.

My biggest jerk file is from Spain (gypsies, and latinas are the hottest women alive, as long as they are below 21).
I remember this bitch saying white privilege and Anthony and Jim didn't say one word. Then after the interview Jim got butthurt about someone on instant feedback saying they did a 1 hour white knight bit and his response was beyond embarrassing "it's hack to go after sex workers". Fucking yuck.
That whole interview told me the O&A show was over. Thankfully Lady Di was there to save the segment at least.

The audience didn’t want them to trash her for doing porn. They didn’t want the porn talk served up with a side of talking points and pretentious rationalizations from a dumb whore who just finished reading Betty Friedan. That was the shit they used to go after people for and backed off to simp for her. Pathetic old queens.

And then they revealed the thin skins when criticized.