Has there ever been a more pretentious circle jerk of a show?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Breaking bad was a out of control slightly comedic train wreck show.

Better call Saul is a slow plodding commuter train stopping off at every station to get somewhere we started.

You don't think 6 seasons of nothingness to find out what ultimately happens to the comedic relief in a show that's been off the air for a decade is worth it?? :image_4848_m:


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
edit: also, it peaked with the Jimmy vs. Chuck courtroom episode. Should've ended then.

True. I remember enjoying that at the time. Even though I never particularly enjoyed all the Chuck stuff, I could at least respect that the show was its own thing back in the first couple of seasons.

Then they started introducing all the Gus and cartel shit and it just descended into a fan service circlejerk shitshow. Remember when they dedicated an entire fucking season to showing how Gus' lab was built. Jesus fuck.



Some writer or producer just said the last 6 episodes are going to "make everyone look at Breaking Bad completely differently." There's going to be some over-the-top, completely ridiculous plot twist that makes absolutely no sense and the Gilligan fags are gonna be like:

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(sorry @Dougie, I've been wanting to use that for awhile)

edit: also, it peaked with the Jimmy vs. Chuck courtroom episode. Should've ended then.
Saul will have to call the vacuum repair guy for a reason unrelated to Walt. Otherwise how do they explain it?
In Breaking Bad they never said the reason Saul went to start a new life. That's their out. He's really leaving because of Lalo or something, I dunno.


Saul will have to call the vacuum repair guy for a reason unrelated to Walt. Otherwise how do they explain it?
In Breaking Bad they never said the reason Saul went to start a new life. That's their out. He's really leaving because of Lalo or something, I dunno.
Fuck. You're probably right. Lalo is gonna be behind everything or some gay shit


Still spreading the O&A virus
Saul will have to call the vacuum repair guy for a reason unrelated to Walt. Otherwise how do they explain it?
In Breaking Bad they never said the reason Saul went to start a new life. That's their out. He's really leaving because of Lalo or something, I dunno.
Saul will call the vacuum guy for Kim because he fears Lalo or some cartel spic killing her. Kim runs away to Omaha for the entire BB timeline but the vacuum guy never tells Saul where she went for her own safety, just so Saul cannot even accidentally let it slip to the cartel where she is and get her hunted down and killed. Then years later, Saul calls the vacuum guy during BB to make himself vanish, and the vacuum guy forces him to go to Omaha. This will set up the obvious ending where they reunite in Omaha.

And Lalo will get buried in the lab like EAP story The Cask of Amontillado. Gus will somehow incapacitate Lalo and then bury him alive in some area of the giant underground meth lab. There was this long drawn out story that Gus told Hector about trapping some animal and slowly killing it that was telegraphing this ending.

We have basically six episodes or whatever to wrap up the stories for three characters. But Lalo obviously dies so they are just dragging it out. And we know that Saul lives through BCS into BB as well. So they are dragging that out. And they don't have the balls to kill Kim.


Saul will call the vacuum guy for Kim because he fears Lalo or some cartel spic killing her. Kim runs away to Omaha for the entire BB timeline but the vacuum guy never tells Saul where she went for her own safety, just so Saul cannot even accidentally let it slip to the cartel where she is and get her hunted down and killed. Then years later, Saul calls the vacuum guy during BB to make himself vanish, and the vacuum guy forces him to go to Omaha. This will set up the obvious ending where they reunite in Omaha.

And Lalo will get buried in the lab like EAP story The Cask of Amontillado. Gus will somehow incapacitate Lalo and then bury him alive in some area of the giant underground meth lab. There was this long drawn out story that Gus told Hector about trapping some animal and slowly killing it that was telegraphing this ending.

We have basically six episodes or whatever to wrap up the stories for three characters. But Lalo obviously dies so they are just dragging it out. And we know that Saul lives through BCS into BB as well. So they are dragging that out. And they don't have the balls to kill Kim.

I used to think that Kim would end up leaving on her own because Jimmy was becoming more and more of a piece of shit. What did he do that was finally too much for her and why did he do it? Oh never mind, I guess they'll just call Robert Forster again to make sure you recognize the branding


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Saul will call the vacuum guy for Kim because he fears Lalo or some cartel spic killing her. Kim runs away to Omaha for the entire BB timeline but the vacuum guy never tells Saul where she went for her own safety, just so Saul cannot even accidentally let it slip to the cartel where she is and get her hunted down and killed. Then years later, Saul calls the vacuum guy during BB to make himself vanish, and the vacuum guy forces him to go to Omaha. This will set up the obvious ending where they reunite in Omaha.

And Lalo will get buried in the lab like EAP story The Cask of Amontillado. Gus will somehow incapacitate Lalo and then bury him alive in some area of the giant underground meth lab. There was this long drawn out story that Gus told Hector about trapping some animal and slowly killing it that was telegraphing this ending.

We have basically six episodes or whatever to wrap up the stories for three characters. But Lalo obviously dies so they are just dragging it out. And we know that Saul lives through BCS into BB as well. So they are dragging that out. And they don't have the balls to kill Kim.
If this turns out to be how things play out I will be so fucking bemused


I'm probably just stoned, but now I think they'll come up with some way that Jimmy kills Kim


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Oh never mind, I guess they'll just call Robert Forster again to make sure you recognize the branding

You might have been making joke but he died in 2019. He did make a brief appearance in that piece of shit El Camino movie, where he looked about 100 years old...

Jesus Christ, I'd forgotten how old and bloated Aaron Paul looks in that too.