Has anyone ever driven across the country?



Rememeber driving thru Lancaster county like in rural Pennsylvania and seeing some Amish women with their eyes all lowered and obedient to their husbands...infuriating shit, felt like Dougie for a second.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
My country neatly fits inside Maine, i'm baffled by the size of the US, it would probably take several lifetimes to even attempt to experience everything the US has to offer.



My country neatly fits inside Maine, i'm baffled by the size of the US, it would probably take several lifetimes to even attempt to experience everything the US has to offer.

View attachment 51789
Texas alone would be the largest country in the EU by size...No wonder many Americans don't travel overseas, their whole country is a self contained universe.

btw Portland, Maine was Canada's only 'warm water' port until Halifax got developed in the 1950s. So tiny ass Maine served as the only outlet for all of Canada's exports.

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
I took greyhound from NY to CA & back once when I was a teen, 3 or 4 days each way with some of the most fucked up people I've ever met. I couldn't imagine doing that now as an old ass man.

That's why i'm fascinated by those old wrestling stories of those guys on the road, driving from city to city across the US, must have been some crazy shit hapenning during those trips.

There's a difference between queering off & getting your needs met on the road.



Do the forests in Sweden have Grizzlies and Polar bears?

I know you got Reindeer instead of Elk...Are there Moose in Sweden? I can look all this up but want a brotherman's take.