Has a Dungeon Master ever made a ruling that instantly made you walk away from the table?

I made a ruling that made one of players drop immediately. (We play online, so walking away from the table means dropping from the game).

It was a tough fight and the players’ ambush didn’t work out as well as they’d hoped. Anyway, one round, the party Bard decides to cast one of his high level spells at the enemy adjacent to him. Now, that enemy happened to have the Mage Slayer feat, so I ruled that he got to take an attack on the Bard as a reaction.

“20”. (crap). Critical. In hindsight, I should have lied and said it was a miss - I knew the player was already getting frustrated. But I didn’t think clearly or quickly enough. I roll damage and the Bard goes down. (We use Fantasy Grounds, so a lot of this is automated, or I would have reduced the damage to keep the Bard above 1 hp).

Anyway, the already frustrated player immediately logs off without a word. Granted, he’s a bit like that sometimes, and had been going through a lot of stressful and difficult things in real life. I immediately regretted it and wished I’d thought to say the attack was a miss.

It was even worse in hindsight, when I realized I misruled on Mage Slayer. The attack happens after the triggering spell. So the Bard’s spell would have gone off and dropped the foe before the foe was able to react and counterattack.

It was 4–5 months before the player came back to the game.


Trigger warning. Dark stuff…

I didn't walk away right away, but I should have, and eventually did after about an hour or two of frustration.

One of the players passed a note to the DM. The DM summoned everyone except me into another room. After some discussion that I could not hear and was mystified about, they came back. I was getting some malicious grins except by the one guy who looked pissed and walked out the door because he did not want to be involved in what happened next.

I was playing a female dark elf character, a Good aligned ranger at the time. The rest of the party was either good or neutral. The characters were sleeping the night in an abandoned farm house in the middle of nowhere, many many miles from the nearest town.

The DM then relates that my character wakes up with a bag over her head, is held down, and then gang raped. The DM does not allow my character to fight back or identify who did it… even though we were in the middle of nowhere and it was obviously the other characters.

I should have left right then and there, but I wanted to try and get some kind of justice, but it was a foolish hope. I got depressed and basically tried to have my character commit suicide, but the DM wouldn't let me. So every time we ran into a monster, I would charge it, hoping it would kill me. But the DM wouldn't let me ever quite get killled all the way. The other players, except for the guy who stepped out, just sniggered at me the whole time.

I was a teenager, I think it was in high school, probably a junior at the time. Even though they often picked on me, up until then I thought they were my friends who were just obnoxious sometimes. When I realized that there was no justice and they were all just going to make me squirm, I finally left, shattered.

I found out later that the one guy who stepped out was the only person who stood up for me. He told me he tried to talk them out of it behind closed doors, but they were set on “teaching me a lesson”. I never understood why. Maybe because I was into role-playing and they were hack and slashers? I dunno. Doesn't matter. I’ve blocked out a lot of the details.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Trigger warning. Dark stuff…

I didn't walk away right away, but I should have, and eventually did after about an hour or two of frustration.

One of the players passed a note to the DM. The DM summoned everyone except me into another room. After some discussion that I could not hear and was mystified about, they came back. I was getting some malicious grins except by the one guy who looked pissed and walked out the door because he did not want to be involved in what happened next.

I was playing a female dark elf character, a Good aligned ranger at the time. The rest of the party was either good or neutral. The characters were sleeping the night in an abandoned farm house in the middle of nowhere, many many miles from the nearest town.

The DM then relates that my character wakes up with a bag over her head, is held down, and then gang raped. The DM does not allow my character to fight back or identify who did it… even though we were in the middle of nowhere and it was obviously the other characters.

I should have left right then and there, but I wanted to try and get some kind of justice, but it was a foolish hope. I got depressed and basically tried to have my character commit suicide, but the DM wouldn't let me. So every time we ran into a monster, I would charge it, hoping it would kill me. But the DM wouldn't let me ever quite get killled all the way. The other players, except for the guy who stepped out, just sniggered at me the whole time.

I was a teenager, I think it was in high school, probably a junior at the time. Even though they often picked on me, up until then I thought they were my friends who were just obnoxious sometimes. When I realized that there was no justice and they were all just going to make me squirm, I finally left, shattered.

I found out later that the one guy who stepped out was the only person who stood up for me. He told me he tried to talk them out of it behind closed doors, but they were set on “teaching me a lesson”. I never understood why. Maybe because I was into role-playing and they were hack and slashers? I dunno. Doesn't matter. I’ve blocked out a lot of the details.
At what point did your parents stop bothering to ask if you met a nice girl and just silently accept that you’ll never give them grandkids?

Danny's Mick Footster

Flavia doo doo
Trigger warning. Dark stuff…

I didn't walk away right away, but I should have, and eventually did after about an hour or two of frustration.

One of the players passed a note to the DM. The DM summoned everyone except me into another room. After some discussion that I could not hear and was mystified about, they came back. I was getting some malicious grins except by the one guy who looked pissed and walked out the door because he did not want to be involved in what happened next.

I was playing a female dark elf character, a Good aligned ranger at the time. The rest of the party was either good or neutral. The characters were sleeping the night in an abandoned farm house in the middle of nowhere, many many miles from the nearest town.

The DM then relates that my character wakes up with a bag over her head, is held down, and then gang raped. The DM does not allow my character to fight back or identify who did it… even though we were in the middle of nowhere and it was obviously the other characters.

I should have left right then and there, but I wanted to try and get some kind of justice, but it was a foolish hope. I got depressed and basically tried to have my character commit suicide, but the DM wouldn't let me. So every time we ran into a monster, I would charge it, hoping it would kill me. But the DM wouldn't let me ever quite get killled all the way. The other players, except for the guy who stepped out, just sniggered at me the whole time.

I was a teenager, I think it was in high school, probably a junior at the time. Even though they often picked on me, up until then I thought they were my friends who were just obnoxious sometimes. When I realized that there was no justice and they were all just going to make me squirm, I finally left, shattered.

I found out later that the one guy who stepped out was the only person who stood up for me. He told me he tried to talk them out of it behind closed doors, but they were set on “teaching me a lesson”. I never understood why. Maybe because I was into role-playing and they were hack and slashers? I dunno. Doesn't matter. I’ve blocked out a lot of the details.
The faggot who played a female elf was probably an annoying homo who deserved it