Haha these people.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
It's Time Cube for twitter Walter Mittys and has such normal headlines as “Sound of Freedom”—Gateway Drug to Genocide...
That's the one where a guy goes and hunts down pedophiles, isn't it?

I must say I'm shocked - shocked! - that one of Pat's friends would sympathise more with pedophiles than their victims, or the guy arresting said pedophiles.

Pat really does have a type, doesn't he?
That's the one where a guy goes and hunts down pedophiles, isn't it?

I must say I'm shocked - shocked! - that one of Pat's friends would sympathise more with pedophiles than their victims, or the guy arresting said pedophiles.

Pat really does have a type, doesn't he?
Pat's social circle is just the bottom rung of society. No one else can stand them so they cling together.


I wish I still had it but he actually said his wife left him because she was brainwashed by Trump / Russia. He also claims he trained his kids in knife fighting when they were like 5 and 6. He would do a lot of “come find and say that to my face, I’ll kick your ass” stuff then go run and cry to the police. He even bragged about talking yo his local police about what our rascals tweeted at him. I’m really surprised he’s not KF because he (was) a classic lol cow.
It took 2 seconds to find his wife's Facebook when he posted that stuff. A couple of things were obvious

1. She is happier now that he's gone
2. She has banged a bunch of dudes since she left him
3. His kids are definitely not trained assassins

Random username

Comedy dickhead
That POS HiFi tweeted yesterday (account now gone, get wrecked) that he “grew up on 4chan” so he knows how to “run ops.”

Bitch is like 70. He was in is 50s when 4chan started. That’s one. Two, 4chan “ops” are like racist raiding of children’s sites and doxing nursery school teachers.

Pat attracts the absolute stupidest allies.
Them turning the 👌 into a white power symbol was pfg.