Gorilla Mindset Loser explains why no one reads books


May St. Mel bless you



Ha Ha Ha Holeee Shit!

I’ve got a tree on my plane.
People don’t read books for a couple reasons. Attention spans aren’t what they used to be. People addicted to social media and streaming. And lastly the working class and downwardly mobile middle class are squeezed on all sides by rising costs of everything. The government is out to fuck people anyway that it can. It’s a never ending hamster wheel and people just don’t have the time and are so stressed they can’t get into a decent book.
I find that I'm more inclined to re-read old books that I've read before. Doesn't feel good....like arrested development or unproductive somehow. I don't feel the same when rewatching old movies or listening to classic albums. I don't know why.

Then I look at my other options. Autobiographies by people who have never had anything to say for themselves, written by someone who cares even less than me. Dumb and ugly short stories padded out and relying on a single uninteresting thing (it's a story about two gay boys.....who are black!!! Does that blow your mind you fucking racist homophobic illiterate cunt?!?). Or it's people like Pat writing about their own fetishes without any understanding for them or for the premise they stole to hang them on.

And that's all I have on that.
Love and violence


People don’t read books for a couple reasons. Attention spans aren’t what they used to be. People addicted to social media and streaming. And lastly the working class and downwardly mobile middle class are squeezed on all sides by rising costs of everything. The government is out to fuck people anyway that it can. It’s a never ending hamster wheel and people just don’t have the time and are so stressed they can’t get into a decent book.
No way. It's because people are being mean to men.