God is officially trolling the gays now


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson

At least they censored his eyes, to protect his anonymity. Now you'd never know him if you walked right by him.


I have a face like a shovel
I love this forum because I can just put my point on the title, and I get the sneak preview.

This is great because I'm getting hard of seeing as of late, and I have to stare at my screen kinda close so everytime I go on /pol/ and see this asshole's nose it always scares the shit out of me because it comes out of nowhere

Monkeypox is legit jumpscare-city for far-sighted /pol/tards, yo


#1 Poster
God is based and redpilled bet he watches alphamotivation/independant finance channels on youtube #VanLife with Yahweh