Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Every time I make a paux fas, Ricky Roma is right there in my head.

"You're fucking shit. Where did you learn your trade, you stupid fuckin' cunt, you idiot? Whoever told you that you could work with men?... You wanna learn the first rule? You'd know if you ever spent a day in your life. You never open you mouth 'til you know what the shot is. You fucking child."


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Every time I make a paux fas, Ricky Roma is right there in my head.

"You're fucking shit. Where did you learn your trade, you stupid fuckin' cunt, you idiot? Whoever told you that you could work with men?... You wanna learn the first rule? You'd know if you ever spent a day in your life. You never open you mouth 'til you know what the shot is. You fucking child."
No child, the Nyborgs WILL be buying 5 plots...


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Just watched it last week, was a job really that important? Just walk out if some dick head talked to you like that
It's definitely a product of it's time. Back then even a schlub salesman working for a place like that could maintain a wife and kids and the house in the burbs. So these guys who are probably there because they are down on their luck are just trying to make enough to maintain that lifestyle l, whereas today a guy would be making shit, living in an apt so they'd just tell Williamson to cram it and key Blake's car on the way out because they have shit to lose

Even better is the scene later where he's dressing down Williamson and he accidentally lets slip he knows about the stolen leads, just the way the energy immediately shifts
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It's definitely a product of it's time. Back then even a schlub salesman working for a place like that could maintain a wife and kids and the house in the burbs. So these guys who are probably there because they are down on their luck are just trying to make enough to maintain that lifestyle l, whereas today a guy would be making shit, living in an apt so they'd just tell Williamson to cram it and key Blake's car on the way out because they have shit to lose

Even better is the scene later where he's dressing down Williamson and he accidentally lets slip he knows about the stolen leads, just the way the energy immediately shifts

Totally, Shelly's flop-sweat when he knows the jig is up...


Even better is the scene later where he's dressing down Williamson and he accidentally lets slip he knows about the stolen leads, just the way the energy immediately shifts
It always makes me laugh how he saunters out of the break room eating a cookie, after Roma has just given it to Williamson with both barrels, leans against the wall and matter-of-factly says "You are a shithead, Williamson."