Gina Carano got fat lol

I saw a clip of her on that podcast. She seems a bit simple, or maybe just very naive. If you're an actor and want to get on in that world, why even use social media personally? Have a publicist run account or whatever, but what good can come from using social media especially when talking about politics. No one wants to hear it from you and you'll alienate half of the audience either way. Keep it to yourself. She didn't even seem to have a "I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore, consequences be damned" attitude. She started tweeting anti-lockdown stuff and compared demonising Trump supporters to the holocaust, and then acted surprised when her Jewish bosses in Hollywood blacklisted her. What did you think would happen, retard?

I'd still drop a batch on her, hamster cheeks or not

I probably watched the same length that you did. Why the fuck did she want to “open people’s eyes”? “I was waking up to the truth”. Why was she so desperate to tweet?

NOBODY FUCKING CARES WHAT YOU THINK. Your job was to go “pew pew Star Wars burrzzzzzzz” and you’d have a good paycheck for the next 10 years. Probably some shitty spin-off too. And by the way, she didn’t even get fired. They just didn’t renew her for season 3 of a boring children’s show.

Now she’s desperate because she discovered there’s no parallel economy and Ben Shapiro & Daily Wire isn’t going to carry her for the next 40-50 years of her life.

Fucking moron.


There's a name for people who wouldn't fuck Gina.

They're called "faggots"
