Gay jewish nigger gets sentenced



This guy has alot of similarities to our fat friend up in Wisconsin.

I think he's just insanely narcissistic. Obviously willing to do anything to get attention on himself to be "famous" and "talked about"....this is all a PR thing it's a one track mind with that Tomlinsonesque brain. How can you make yourself look like a victim as much as possible? How can you (more importantly) "GO VIRAL".

What I'm trying to really say is Pat is disgustingly fat and his head is inflating like a balloon.

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^


Stand Alone Fruit
He deserves to have the book thrown at him. He tried to fake a hate crime so he could have a career in social Justice. He knew he was a shit actor and hid career wasn’t going anywhere and faked this ridiculous shit so he could have a new career. He saw himself getting book deals, tv appearances, speaking gigs, etc to cash in on the “white people evil” game. He faked this because he thought idiots would believe it so he could charge large speaking fees at events. He tried to rip off Shaun king’s fake hate crime claim (Shaun said 10-15 white supremacists beat him up in high school that put him in a hospital for 6 months even though it was a one on one fight because Shaun threatened to beat a girl up over a broken cd and didn’t miss a day of school) as his own story.


This is awesome. I mean really think about 6 months in county and how much that would fucking suck balls. Especially to a sheltered fag like Jussie. No phone no entertainment. To someone thats never done hard time in any way, it would feel interminable. I hope they put him in protective custody because the isolation is probably maddening

I thought he was getting off Scott free when the Judge started with the 3 years parole bullshit. I think he also will get drug tested during probation so that would be fun since you know he likes the coke.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
This guy has alot of similarities to our fat friend up in Wisconsin.

I think he's just insanely narcissistic. Obviously willing to do anything to get attention on himself to be "famous" and "talked about"....this is all a PR thing it's a one track mind with that Tomlinsonesque brain. How can you make yourself look like a victim as much as possible? How can you (more importantly) "GO VIRAL".

What I'm trying to really say is Pat is disgustingly fat and his head is inflating like a balloon.
Guy is definitely a narcissist and was most definitely raped into homosexuality while doing the Mighty Ducks, but officially around 1/3 of hate crimes turn out to be hoaxes. The usual psychological reasoning is that these "people" truly believe they face virulent racism every day but have no concrete example and so fashion one for themselves.